Sobchak Security

Over 100,000 Southerners fought for the Union. Every Southern state (other than SC) had at least a battalion of men represented in the Union Army. People knew what they were doing, they had a choice.

“You cant fire me I quit”

OH YOU TEASE! That headline. I was so hoping today might be the day he flames out for good, I mean, just totally *piff* and a trip to a goldplated rubber-room....

Now playing

DUDE I think you figured it out! Again, the Simpsons predict everything...

Darn IT - I read the headline and thought he had resigned from the presidency. His councils were always a farce.

I’m sure he dissolved it because he didn’t want to put pressure on the other CEOs as opposed to them all breaking up with him publicly on TV.

oh man oh man oh man I hope your spidey sense is right...


OH, SIT THE FUCK DOWN, YOU USELESS & WORTHLESS PIECE OF DISCARDED SPONGE. People like this put Trump where he is, and fucked the rest of us, so fuck this Aiken guy. (#IDontKnowHer but I can still safely say fuck him with a cactus.)

Clay Aiken’s pathetic semi-apologetic tweets don’t amount to shit. If he really cared, he’d be calling on Trump to resign.

Please don’t get my hopes up...

Dude I don’t even know. I’m starting to think this is Bill O’Reilly. “Slaves were well fed” AND?! They’re still human chattel.

How is my claim as to why they went up inaccurate?

No, idiot, I never said it was okay to own slaves, I said Washington and Jefferson did not treasonously take up arms against the United States specifically to preserve the institution of slavery. That they owned slaves is horrific and cruel, particularly Jefferson who raped his slaves. Frankly, my heart wouldn’t

Huh? Maybe I missed a day of history, but I don’t recall either Jefferson or Washington taking arms against the United States for the specific purpose of preserving slavery. Is that a thing that happened? Please provide a source.

I’m not about to DOXX anybody, but there are activists I know saying that yeah, that’s what they’d like.

I did wonder if something was going on. The amount of times that Trump Twitter tantrums have turned out after the fact to be correlated with big developments in the Russia investigation is growing. I wondered if last week’s beef with North Korea might be because he tasted something he didn’t like that Mueller was

That’s because they’re all fucking racists. So are all of his supporters. ALL OF THEM. I don’t give a fuck how many Latinos or black people voted for him. If you made that choice, you are a fucking racist. And ignorant as fuck.