Hey everyone… We’re really sorry. Here’s all your money back, we’ve liquidated our vast asset portfolio and will be paying taxes from now on.
Thanks. Super topical stuff you’ve got there. Real worthwhile, I’ll make sure to go back in time 50 years and see to it that people know of this growing threat.
lol One example from over 50 years ago is the best you can come up with? Really?
Yeah, and also the fact that he has a long history supporting racism and brought along a few actual Nazis with him to the WH.
People were freaking out because he was the first pope from South America. They thought it was super progressive that it the Church finally choose a non-European.
Except you can’t just change policy. You need to change hearts and minds.
Fake math and shitty faux-justifications aside…That’s a no then… Huh? Big old fat no, huh?
Being a communist makes someone a communist you putz. Being from a communist country doesn’t make you a communist. Why is this so hard? If you’re really afraid of communists, and being killed in the name of communist ideology, it should take you no time to find me a dozen examples.
If he tried that, he’d be ousted and replaced before the first change could be implemented.
So they listen to him because they believe fake news but he’s going to change their minds about some other fake news because he all of a sudden is “woke” about this real news?
Yeah, the point is that the words of a person who represents what he represents are just like putting lipstick on a pig.
Yeah, except for the fact that he has the ultimate power to change policy and enact change.
That’s fair.
Changing the words you say is easy. I’m not going to trip over my dick to congratulate him for saying fun and new words.
Yeah, he didn’t say that “God doesn’t give a shit who you’re having consensual sex.” He said that Christians must “apologize” for “marginalizing” gay people.
lol Sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken. Vietnam, China and NK are communist and I’m the fucking Queen of England.
Okay. Call me when he tells people that God doesn’t give a shit who you’re having consensual sex with or when he allows women to serve as equals to men.
Its like the soup of porn.