Sobchak Mobile Security

lol Not even close. Interesting in how selective you were in what you chose to address though!

lol Wait… I thought CNN was fake news? Is it real news now? I’m confused.

Honestly, if he’s Putins puppet, as the media and DNC keeps insisting, he is doing a really shitty job of helping Putin.

lol That’s a really nice opinion piece from 3 months ago you have there champ. I’ll bet you’re real proud of that one.

lol you sure about that there?

lol cool story Boris. Good luck with moose and squirrel. We’re all rooting for you.

Yeah, great points. These types of investigations usually take a couple of weeks. What did Watergate clock in at? A month? And as far as impact, its not like any presidents were briefed on it or anything. I mean, it didn’t really eventually lead to the appointment of a special investigator or any Congressional

It is also maybe something that Trump’s father and boss, the president of the United States, could probably be tricked into supporting if he were isolated in a room for a while and cut off from speaking to Paul Ryan.

Maybe something that’s not from 8 months ago? And maybe not an opinion piece written by an economist? Maybe someone with a security or intelligence perspective?

From what I’ve heard the document has been significantly disproven…

Better solution: Have a TV so you can watch cool stuff and bowling tournaments. Just don’t watch Meet the Press. Having a TV doesn’t mean you’re obligated to watch Meet the Press.

Holy shit, does your car fire missiles too?

Cool story.

FACT: Hurricanes tend to form over water. And they rain water. FACT: The Big Water Lobbies are going to try and make you buy more water to prepare for this “supposed” onslaught of water. FACT: Hurricane Irma is named after a lady. FACT: Ladies, with those ladies bits they have tend to get really emotional and prone to

Oh don’t be so dramatic. You can just go buy another kid at Birmingham’s 13th annual Fish and Child show. You won’t even need a background check. They even file the child’s serial number off its ass for you if you ask real nice too.

Buried the lede. She and Munchbutt are being investigated for using government property to go watch the eclipse.

Oh no, I got it. I just thought it was kinda dumb to compare fear of having a material object taken away to the life of an actual human person.

They feared that someone would use a federal gun registry to come find them and tear their families apart and deport them from the only country they’ve ever known because of the “sins” of their parents?

Thank you, I appreciate that. Now get the fuck off my lawn.

The Bad News: These kids. Look at em. All over my fucking lawn. With their hip hopping, Zima and cellular telephones.