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Conservatives hate places that dictate what is and is not cool. Rich white old-money Manhattanites are acceptable conservative types because not really much in Manhattan is actually cool. Its why they pretend like Brooklynites are all mustachioed organic free-range vomit farmers and San Franciscans are all

None of that changes the fact that we are the world’s most powerful economy. None of that changes our demand.

I don’t know that its necessarily really an obsession with debt though. I think its more an obsession with “big gubmint” that they view as lazy and ineffective. For the most part, whenever I get into a discussion about debt, it usually ends up being more about how the government shouldn’t be giving money to people who

Yeah, because people who work for the government don’t serve in the military protect you, take us to the moon, work on all your roads, sewers and sidewalks, run your libraries and schools, staff the CDC, take care of our parks or put out fires. They’re all lazy.

Holy shit. I do. I had that reversed in my head.

lol I see what you did there.

Democrats, attack!

Probably because of Obama. Thanks Obama.

If the wealthy really want to be empowered as our “job creators” *insert pantomime jerk off gif here* then they would embrace higher taxes.

lol okay. Then please do. Tell me how its more efficient to ship ALL goods and services to people who live out in the sticks vs. people who reside in closer proximity to each other and closer to distribution centers.

1. The article above these comments is making ATL seem like ATL is the beacon on the hill.

I don’t think he/she realizes that “goods and services” are more than just local agricultural products. Electronics from China, avocados from Mexico and OTC/Pharmaceutical products from NJ aren’t bought and sold at local farmers markets.

If they point to one city as the beacon on the hill, then it should be a good example, otherwise the argument falls apart.

Yeah, I don’t know what old dude there is on about there. Climate change isn’t solely a political issue. Non-profits, community organizations, corporations, celebrities, educational institutions and even the fucking Girl Scouts have been going on about the importance of addressing climate change for a couple of

Because climate change is influenced by more than just one city. Just because one city is the focus of this article doesn’t mean the micro is more important than the macro. The focus on ATL was just the author’s choice of perspective.

lol, beyond anecdotal observations about ATL… Every study ever done contradicts what you’re saying here. I’m not going to break it down for you point by point, but Spoiler Alert: The world is much bigger than just ATL. And goods and services refer to more than just corn shipped in from the areas surrounding ATL.

Yeah but all those cities were depressed like they were asking for it.

Um… Living in a concentrated urban area is way better for the environment than living out in the sticks.

Black people.

Excellent, excellent article Donyae. Is this your first?