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Conservatives hate places that dictate what is and is not cool. Rich white old-money Manhattanites are acceptable conservative types because not really much in Manhattan is actually cool. Its why they pretend like Brooklynites are all mustachioed organic free-range vomit farmers and San Franciscans are all

None of that changes the fact that we are the world’s most powerful economy. None of that changes our demand.

I don’t know that its necessarily really an obsession with debt though. I think its more an obsession with “big gubmint” that they view as lazy and ineffective. For the most part, whenever I get into a discussion about debt, it usually ends up being more about how the government shouldn’t be giving money to people who

Yeah, because people who work for the government don’t serve in the military protect you, take us to the moon, work on all your roads, sewers and sidewalks, run your libraries and schools, staff the CDC, take care of our parks or put out fires. They’re all lazy.

Holy shit. I do. I had that reversed in my head.

lol I see what you did there.

Democrats, attack!

Probably because of Obama. Thanks Obama.

If the wealthy really want to be empowered as our “job creators” *insert pantomime jerk off gif here* then they would embrace higher taxes.

Yeah but all those cities were depressed like they were asking for it.

Donald Trump and his ilk are terrifying, but watching you guys hit the streets every time he does something idiotic reminds the rest of the world that America really is great, in spite of Trump’s efforts to the contrary.

Yeah, the one good thing about Trump being elected is that racism that’s always been simmering just under the surface is more out in the open now. There are still plenty of dog whistles, but people who used to do all this behind closed doors are now at least being honest about it. Makes it easier to see them for what

Black people.

Excellent, excellent article Donyae. Is this your first?

It is also maybe something that Trump’s father and boss, the president of the United States, could probably be tricked into supporting if he were isolated in a room for a while and cut off from speaking to Paul Ryan.

Better solution: Have a TV so you can watch cool stuff and bowling tournaments. Just don’t watch Meet the Press. Having a TV doesn’t mean you’re obligated to watch Meet the Press.

Oh no, I got it. I just thought it was kinda dumb to compare fear of having a material object taken away to the life of an actual human person.

They feared that someone would use a federal gun registry to come find them and tear their families apart and deport them from the only country they’ve ever known because of the “sins” of their parents?

Thank you, I appreciate that. Now get the fuck off my lawn.

The Bad News: These kids. Look at em. All over my fucking lawn. With their hip hopping, Zima and cellular telephones.