Sobchak Mobile Security

Yeah. You must have eaten like 130 bucks worth of acid man. So I’m gonna need that 130 bucks, you know, whenever you get a chance.

Um… He’s recused himself from the Russian investigation. So it would be a deputy like Rosenstein and the SEC who would make that call.

It doesn’t.

Sex? With Kushner? You think she would be cheating on daddy like that?

It’s sort of bewildering to me, in a piece that pulls out and emphasizes the VF quote about their lack of self-awareness, that you could also say that “deep down, they must realize...” People who are not self-aware don’t have a “deep down.” They don’t ever realize. Not only do they not look into their own “deep down,”

Well, that’s what happens when you’re in debt up to your eyeballs on the devil’s Park Ave address and you violate the FCPA trying to dig yourself out.

If there is a scenario in which they are able and supported by enough people to become a viable ticket in 2020, then that means Trump was pushed out and/or considered too toxic for a re-run.

I agree with Trump making MAGMA. Make magma flow all over the world until it is nothing but a burnt husk. Let the magma burn away all signs of man. Curse the magma as it marches across our lands. Watch the magma consume those that anger it, those that disobey it. This is the future we deserve.

It makes me happy that they are unhappy. I don’t care if that makes me a shitty person.

There’s no way he’s not trolling everyone. No fucking way. That was legitimately some really fucking funny shit.

lol I knew I liked you for a reason. Good luck with all this. Hope it works out for you.

GOP = Grand Old Projection

They can see my dizzick. That’s the fucking truth.

Its gonna be funny when they all only turn to Facebook as their sole source of news. Weird that the whole “snowflake living in an echo-chamber” thing they love to throw around so much just kinda turned out to be about them.

lol Tell me… How much did BetaMAX, Crystal Pepsi and Smokeless Cigarettes grow the economy? Do you think the success of a product is in anyway linked to the demand for it? Maybe a little bit? lol Get real. Innovation in and of itself does not grow the economy. There must be a demand for said innovation, otherwise

Democrats (and to an slightly lesser degree Republicans) overregulate private business and effectively control a large portion of private capital.

And lo the Son of God said to all the little children; Its just a bunch of water. Find your own shelter you fucking babies. - Letters from Bill to Ted; Chapter 4 Verse 20

I don’t think there will be a lot. I think its going to be mainly down South, some places in the Midwest, Oregon and Montana. Small towns in WV… Places like that where people are basically just looking for an excuse to shoot at liberals and minorities.

9% of Americans believe its acceptable to hold neo-Nazi views. (over 20mil fucking people!) A number that I’m sure is much higher amongst Republicans.

When you’re cranking out a messy BM first thing in the morning, proper spelling and grammar in a tweet are the least of your concerns.