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Yeah I mean, when you have 10% of our population, you’re just bound to have less crazies in general. And again, they’re not as diverse as we are so there’s not as much overt conflict. They didn’t have as large a slave trade as we did, it didn’t have the same immigration history (specifically with religious whack jobs)

I somewhat agree, but that’s kind of like comparing apples to elephants.

Buckethead, I like Canada as much as the next disenfranchised Yank, but just because they don’t fly the rebel flag doesn’t mean they’re less racist than us. Canada has got plenty of segregation and racial issues. It just has less minorities so its not as visible at times. Stop looking at the world through maple

Lucky Devil. I couldn’t not spend half my dinner trying to explain American stupidity to Polish people.

Yeah, I feel like the W years played a big role in global perception. People overseas lost patience, then we elected Obama and they started to think better of us, then we elect Trump and now they just think we’re all dumb fucking hicks.

I saw all the Batman documentaries. Those fuckers are always super messed up.

I’m lucky because I live in NYC. But just a heads up to the rest of you… When you travel abroad, its gonna be awkward at times. Getting worse before it gets better.


yeah, that’s the next thing that’s going to piss me right the fuck off. once we get the GOP out of power, we have to keep an eye on Dems because even though their ideology is slightly better… they’re also pretty much all fuckers too.

God has defaulted on child support since like 12,000 BC. Fuck that guy.

Mine too. Was just going on the other weekend about how you can’t trust anything you see on the news anymore.

“Sure, they were Nazis. But they were also brave soldiers doing their duty to country and kin...”

My dad toured Nazi Germany the way it should be: From the air, in the pilot seat of a B-24. He was pretty sure some of the packages that fell from his plane landed close enough to “make that two-bit paper hanger piss his pants”.

You lot are getting really pathetic these days.

Yeah, I was gonna tack a “yet” on the end of it there…

The only thing I can’t believe is that this doesn’t have something to do with Russia.

Okay Steve, who am I calling again? Ireland? Is that the one with all the yogurt? Oh, its not? Oh, right right. They’re the drinkers. Got it. Hand me our script.

Labor is not the only factor in the CoGs. Inflation and a raises in the minimum wage aren’t tied like that.

Meh. Religions rooted in the belief of Just World only want “deserving” people to receive help. Its not just that they think charity is wonderful if done on a personal basis… Its that personal giving allows them to only give money specifically to those who they think “deserve” it.