Sobchak Mobile Security

Now look here you godless liberal people. President Jesus wrote about all this in the American Bible Constitution. Fucking LOOK IT UP if you don’t believe me.

Listen, if those kids wanted to be taken care of they’d already have jobs or something. You can’t expect us to care for ALL the kids, just the kids who care for themselves.

Praise be.

Me and Dad made you during craft hour! Stop complaining and buy my book you ungrateful jerks!

Again? He already gave him a phone-job the day after the referendum. You remember that referendum… The one fraught with questions where he basically overturned many of country’s democratic checks and balances? Good times.

+1 Talib. +1 Hi-tek.

As all my Indian friends say… Dots not Feathers.

Listen man. You’re supposed to get the self-perpetuating circle of irony spinning really fast. If it gets going fast enough, it eventually will create a self-sustaining particle accelerator that will power all our orphanages. Then the kids who live there can siphon off power and sell it on the free-market (organic



I really wish that bald eagle in had succeeded in attacking him during that stupid photo shoot.

Jesus. Over here too?

“The Democratic leaders in the room unanimously agreed on the need to take the threat seriously. Republicans, however, were divided, with at least two GOP lawmakers reluctant to accede to the White House requests.

Sure there were volunteer units that fought for the Union, but most of those were from border states.

Except that over 100,000 Southerns fought for the Union. Every state other than SC had at least a battalion of representation in the Union Army.

Sobchak Security - “I think with time you’re going to change your mind. I think Obama is going to come out of this looking like a fucking hero ...”

Might want to check his/her reco and discussion history there chief. That name is not ironic.

lol Literally none of that is true Boris. There is plenty of evidence of Russian collusion. Which is why SC Mueller is hiring who he’s been hiring.

I don’t understand the difference between the direct hacking of our physical electoral machines and active espionage efforts that Russia has executed here as well as in a dozen other different countries.

I considered it myself at one point too. I was going to buy a sail boat and take off, become completely self-sufficient and decouple my organic existence from humanity’s concept of self. Might still do it someday. But then I fell in love, got married, etc… Became probably too invested in the material world.