Sobchak Mobile Security

So ... a copycat troll?

Judasisascaredycat is an employee at the company. Just like TomatoFace was/is.

In times like this I reflect on why we advocate, donate, and volunteer. I always come back to Sisyphus, his job is to push that boulder up the hill, again and again. Camus makes the argument that we must consider Sisyphus as happy. It’s his duty to soldier on and keep pushing that rock up the hill.

Google “kinja help desk” or “kinja help.” You can send in an email to the help desk. Although, as I said, it’s apparently bullshit considering this account had been reported several times over the last day and I received and email from them saying the account had been “dealt with” this morning yet they’re still

I thought that was a troll. That didn’t sound like the regular Judasisascaredycat.

Meanwhile, over on Fusion, their writer on the GA election post is upvoting known Judasisascaredycat copycat troll (who hasn’t been banned even though I got an email from Kinja help desk that this account had been “dealt with” this morning).

It’s a wealthy district full of the “fuck you, I got mine” mindset. These people are only convinced that a living wage would mean their bottom line gets hurt.

Great job, Georgia. Smart choice!

Ew. He looks like he’d struggle to benchpress a kitten.

Gross-out Mission accomplished.

This is one of my occasional forays into grossing you out so hold tight: I totally would. He is pure evil, an over-privileged little twat and elitist like his wife’s father-lover, but I still totally would. He’s a hot aging twink (twunk) who needs to be hate-fucked good.

They’ll also take disagreement like. “Well you say the planet has warmed by 2 degrees, and I think it’s actually around 2.4 degrees” as “disagreement int he scientific community” and use that to paint broad brushstrokes to show uncertainty.


That’s where you’re wrong. It IS good enough for the millions of people who vote for these people. Trump or petty or any of these other people could literally come out and say “dog shit tastes like chicken” and their base would eat that shit up literally

This is why we need to scrap the phrase “climate change” it’s as stupid as “global warming” sure to us it makes sense but to the mouth breathing idiots like this it’s so abstract it can easily be debunked in their simple minds. Call it what it is: “pollution” it’s a lot harder for some stupid guck o Fox News to come

What half-idiots like Perry don’t understand is that, indeed, disagreement with conventional scientific thought and consensus is fine if you have an alternate hypothesis and some measure of data to back it up.

It’s not especially strong or brave to flee from rape charges and hole up until the case is dropped. A more conventionally brave approach might be to stand trial in an attempt to prove your innocence. Running and hiding seems like something other than brave.

I really wish they let him have his phone more often. Like, do they confiscate it and he steals it back? Does he get it back as a reward for doing good things (not sure what those might be)? Do they have to wrestle it out from his hands mid tweet (covfefe!) or does he hand it over? Do they take it when he’’s not

I firmly believe he thinks that by stating something it becomes true. When HRC stated he was a Russian puppet during the presidential debates, his response, in true 8 yr old schoolyard fashion, was “No I’m not. You are.” repeatedly and it worked. Clearly, his lawyers have now taken it on as a legal tactic. Apparently

From The Art of the Deal: