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You know, I’ve actually found a lot of comfort in nihilism. The simple truth of the matter is that one day the entire universe will end and be wiped clean. Nothing you or anyone else does will survive. In the cosmic sense, absolutely nothing matters. The physical laws of the universe don’t care if a nuclear war is

To add on to organized religion, it gives humans a false sense of superiority. People see their religion as absolute truth, and when they align their politics with their religion, their politics also become absolute.

Potential Grizzly checking in.

As a great man once said… “Be excellent to each other.”

Rafi hooked me up with a follow when I bribed him with some tasty Photoshop goodness, but it didn’t even bring me out on his articles. Let alone Fusion wide.

Also, when am I getting pulled out of the grays? This is getting ridiculous. I am an approved commenter on zero Gizmedia cites and I certainly should be approved on Fusion. I’m super offensive and it seems to me that’s basically the entire point of Fusion. At least just pull me out on Fusion for now and I promise to

Guys. Gals. Bears. I now firmly believe that when she said “there is probably a gun in the school to protect from potential grizzlies” she really meant “there is probably a gun in the school to protect from black children.”

It’s amazing that people fall for the NRA’s bullshit. They aren’t a lobby group for gun owners, and haven’t been for decades. They’re a lobby for gun MANUFACTURERS. They in no way have the people in mind when they push for laws, they only push for things that make it easier to get guns sold and into the hands of

OUR rights? Or the rights of the gun manufacturers and lobbyists that account for the lion’s share of their annual budget?

Yeah...the NRA speaks for it’s bank accounts - not most gun owners.

I’ve always thought that the NRA was on par with the ACLU. If the NRA hadn’t taken over the Defense of the Second Amendment business, the ACLU would have.

This. 1000 times this. I hope people read this and then actually use their brain for just a fucking second.

No, the NRA represents gun *manufacturers*, not gun owners. (It’s nifty how they’ve run that particular con, isn’t it?) So of course they want nutbags to have access. They cannot yield a single sale.

Owning a gun is one of the most liberal things a person can do.

That 5% stat is almost certainly not true. That number is probably closer to 100 or 90 than it is 5. I know this because lots of places auto-enroll people in the NRA at point of purchase (firearms) and various other info gathering activities (maybe they do this as part of the background check if you dont tell them not

Why do we need to get rid of 2a? 2a is perfect. We just need to reverse the basterdized interpretation of it laid out by justice roberts and scalia. They took the amendment and gutted it to 7 out-of-context words.

The NRA headquarters is near the In-N-Out Burger. Those are good burgers.

I respectfully disagree. The manufacturer’s sole interest is profits/sales of their product (aka capitalism). If the one-off gun owner’s sole interest is the profits of the industry as well, then that just makes that gun owner a sucker.

We will have slavery back when the Koch Brothers get their New Constitutional Convention. Twelve states have signed on, only go!

The Constitution was built to be amended. We don’t fucking have slave anymore.