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If you think Kathy Griffins stupid act is what motivated this, you are delusional. You really think it was the Kathy Griffin beheading photo that gave this guy the inkling to go to the field and shoot Government officials? Man that’s just a bad take .

Ideas aren’t dangerous, and shouldn’t be censored.

This is why the UK needs our strong gun regulation. I will keep this country safe.

That movie was dumb. It’s typically the qb who scores on the pistol formation.

If Saint Reagan nearly getting killed didn’t get the ball rolling, you think they’ll do it over some Congressman?

Are you kidding, the victim himself will probably be a Congressional Baseball Field Truther to gain the coveted Alex Jones endorsement in a few years.

Unsurprisingly, this is exactly what the early quotes say:

I hope Rep. Scalise and all others injured by this lunatic make a full recovery.

Nah, it’s more fun to see them get defeated in elections and then try to scramble back into politics, lose again, then have to get a real fucking job and then see all the shitty laws they passed come back to bite them in the ass.

Violent, liberal gun nuts, indeed. Makes sense. Their numbers are legion.

If social media is any indication, Trumphumpers have already labeled him “liberal” and “antifa”.

That noise you heard was the starter’s pistol for the 2017 Mental Gymnastics.


I laughed and now I feel guilty. Take your star and go!

Depends if the doer is a liberal or not.

No one deserves to die over their shitty politics.

“I am way out in right field...” - Rand Paul

This is a false flag operation. They used actors, not real congresspeople /s

Hope everyone’s okay.