Sobchak Mobile Security

I’ve been saying Kamala Harris 2020 since before the 2016 election was even over. She’s awesome. I hope she’s president someday.

Ditto. We understand them now. We know what drives them.

Oooo… Please let be that be true! Jackson was shot by his own men and died a pretty horrible death.

Because that’s his name.

Yeah. If you still support Trump at this point, you are either a racist fool or a paid Russian racist fool.

Again though, that’s not name calling. If I called you ChaosBird… Is that name calling? The GOP has embraced evil now. They are the party of evil.

Not buying it. If you’re triggered by name-calling and not by facts, then you’re not looking to be informed. You’re looking for an excuse or to confirm an existing bias.

To what… Roadhouse? You know what I’m talking about man, the scene where he eagle claws that dude’s throat out.

And yet there’s a thread over on Giz where some fool thinks that if liberals just started being nicer that would change the minds of Trump supporters.

I don’t know Chad. Is this an article about Antifa?

Let’s break this down Chad.

That’s not as shocking as this hot piece of ratfuck fashion garbage. Nice shoulder points Van. Really draws attention away from your turkey neck.

Okay. Qualify your belief that Trump won the election because people on the internet said mean things about him then.

The butthurt is strong with Mitch today.

Okay. So then go find an article JUST about Trump and post your dumb shit there. Because THIS is an article about using sophicated technology to hack American infrastructure.

The dickwad Cheeto is not the issue here, Dude.

This is not a news agency. This is a tech blog written by young people who listen to rap music and hang out on your lawn.

Then read those other news providers you dickwad cheeto.

It is ironic that you begin your post by denying the validity of scientific predictions, and end it by praising the products which those precise scientific disciplines have produced to enrich your life. I can only encourage you to honestly attempt to educate yourself, because the cognitive dissonance on display here

Call me jaded if you like, but I’m beginning to think that Pruitt isn’t taking this seriously...