Sobchak Mobile Security

Actually, in terms of “scale of dumbness”, you have to look at the entire appeal to the SCOTUS. The almost-rational argument when he got his sharpie out in January was that they needed a 90-day ban – or 120 days, in the case of Syrian refugees – to allow the State Department to examine the visa process in relation to

if we’re just going to watch a president play by his own rules while changing everything. Why can’t we change everything and ask Obama for a 3rd term?

Fingers crossed.


Right but the news is political. The news is run by people with political interests and they’re allowed to spend money influencing politics. That’s the way out world works now.

Dream Sequence; early 20018:

Team Trump vs. Mueller/Schneiderman and who ever else decides they want to make themselves a household name fucking Donnie up.

I don’t understand people sometimes.

Look at these kids. All over my lawn. With their rap music and sneaker shoes. What’s the world coming to?

lol you realize that 6 months into his presidency, Trump is being sued by several states, already has a special prosecutor looking into obstruction, abuse of power, financial and campaign crimes? Congress has several committees investigating… The AG is under investigation, there are subpoenas in, people are taking the

This is a shitty opinion and Yamahahaha heads sound like shitty garbage.

BTW the government is the country’s largest employer and they reinvest more money into the American economy than any other single source.

Right. He did that in record time too! Literally no president in history has created so many jobs this fast. Super smart to slash the budgets of the country’s largest employer and kick tourism revenue square in the dick. And all these deals were created 100% during his tenure too! For realz!

Sure thing. Agree 100%. Trump’s efficiency in eliminating ISIS, developing a tax plan, passing healthcare legislation and cementing bonds with our allies is completely unparalleled.

Hot take Boris. Enjoy your rations of potatoes and vodka.

Don’t underestimate people’s desire to see someone else’s life torn to shreds.

If you told people back in January that Comey would be testifying about all this today and that we’d already have a special investigator… They’d call you crazy.

I think people think about this too short term. Sure, its not going exactly how we wanted RIGHT NOW.

That said, what do we get if he gets nailed? Assuming nobody else goes down with the ship we get gosh darned Pence! Even if we win, we still technically lose. So we fight this to the bitter end until we get a sane government back...Show up to the polls, build unity, and so on.

January: Trump’s connections to Russia are unverified. Nothing to see here. At all.