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Yeah, well, that’s just, like, your opinion, man!

I will never have to suffer under the weight of sobriety ever again.

The chain, according to the New York Times, will be called “American Idea,” and the plan is to stand out by “featuring artifacts of American culture in the hotels, such as an old Coca-Cola machine in the lobby or American-made sundries in the rooms.” The first hotels will launch in Mississippi.

Valid take. I see you have friends. Not just friend. I believe that qualifies you.

His opinion is bad? Or being black in America is bad?

Right. I get that he has a viewpoint here and that’s great and all…

Sure thing. Thanks so much for asking.

That’s pretty accurate though. He’s racist as fuck.

Watched that a few days ago. Roger Stone is a baffling human being, he seems to have no concept of political consequences, no scruples and is obstinately proud of both of those things.

Fox has been doing a great job of avoiding actual news. Every time a new Trump story breaks, you can count on Tucker to spend his show talking about Hillary or burritos instead. And all the while he wears the expression of a man who’s just been smacked in the face with a fish.

If you can stomach the lunacy, I highly recommend watching a really good documentary on Netflix called “Get Me Roger Stone”. It details just how big of a puppet Trump really is. Stone has been involved with corruption dating back to Watergate and even the Recount between Bush & Gore. And this is one of the POTUS’ top

I watched the story break on CNN last night. I flipped to Fox and Tucker Carlson was doing a report titled “burritos and ‘cultural appropriation’. “

Clearly money well spent by daddy bribing Harvard in exchange for Kush’s admittance. On another note, every time I see Jared and Ivanka with their smug satisfied faces out in public I feel such deep unabated loathing; they think we are all so god damn stupid. When I run on the treadmill I imagine stepping on their

I put this up on the fusion article about Koosh, but wanted to post it to the Slot as well, because this is my favorite site on the internet.

The guy in the back of the top one is my favorite.

I just wish someone had made the “jack-off” motion.

I love this so, so much. I’ve never been more proud of my country.

I can’t get the Twitter one to unembed, but all three of these should be sewn together into one super GIF.