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I saw a report on MSNBC saying Steele was shopping his dossier on Trump last summer, but no media was interested in what they considered a false story. That is how far beyond the realm of reality we are now. No reputable journalist was willing to believe his evidence because it was too far-fetched for them. They

I crunched some numbers just now. Pasting:

You are hanging your emotional well-being on a rural special election in a red state.

I’ll be interested to see the swing on this one. Zinke won this last year 56% to his Dem opponent’s 41%, so there was improvement like it all of the other races. What it’s showing is that the GOP-held suburban seats are still very iffy for next year for the GOP.

Montana is 0.3% of the population of the United States. It has very little in common with either the places most Republicans live (namely, the inner suburbs of large cities in the South and interior West, and the outer suburbs of large cities on the coasts and in the Midwest) or the places most Democrats live. The

I absolutely knew that this shitbag assaulting a reporter wouldn’t hurt his chances in the election; if anything, it would make him more popular.

I know, early voting yada yada, but this country and its voters just fill me with despair and disgust.

Abandon hope all ye who enter here.

Yes. I remember som show where the inmates were converting by the kosher food was better.

LOL the first response is perfect:

<insert multiple clapping emoji>

I have luke warm feelings about Fareed Zakaria, but he made a super important statement a few minutes ago. To paraphrase: the trump team claims that these were just regular meetings for the incoming team. But there is no such pattern of meetings for literally any other country. AND, they seam to forget these

He’s been a pretty terrible landlord in the East Village as well (although I think not as bad as the stories out of Baltimore). Trying to harass rent-regulated tenants out of buildings, doing a terrible job with maintenance, etc. He’s bought a few portfolios of buildings from some other notorious slumlords, then he

Kind of off-topic, but do federal prisons serve kosher meals? I’m probably asking the wrong crowd; maybe Jared could ask his dad since I’m sure he knows...

Cosigned. Everyone, read this. Disgusting piece of shit. Note that he took people to court for being 6 weeks late on rent, but failed to provide basic maintenance for MONTHS after collecting repair fees from residents.

I highly recommend the NYT’s article about Jared the Slumlord. Seems that little Jared gets his jollies suing poor people for tiny bits of money (to him, not to them).

Great, now I have to hold up my end of the bargain to be a better person and call my mother more often.

I’m sickened by how the media and politicians are tap dancing around the issue of treason as if it’s some vague, farfetched possibility. What is in the public domain already is actionable. They’re not in cahoots with the Russians, they are flamboyantly, brazenly in cahoots with the Russians. They’re not even being coy

I have been visited by the angels of joy.