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Oops, he read that memo wrong. He’s supposed to grab a woman by her pussy, not body slam a man. Totally messed up. He might lose now!

It is certainly up to Congress, but if they sit on their thumbs on this and the FBIor congressional investigations come back with concrete evidence that Trump is guilty, they’ll get blown to hell in 2018 and 2020. Hell, given the reception GOPers have gotten at their town halls and the efforts Trump and the GOP have

Did you grow up in the NY-NJ area? Because yeah, everyone who grew up there who has two brain cells to rub together remembers since at least the 1980s what a stupid, useless shit Trump was/is. Along with his entire family, ex or current. He was a joke back then, and he’s a vastly more dangerous joke now.

Trumpies have convinced themselves that almost everyone in the country is in on a conspiracy against him. Probably all being paid by George Soros too. They’re not all economically anxious, they’re not all racist, but they are all, without exception, fucking morons.

Who else would draw the line at 3 full weeks of torturing a murdered son’s parents to cover up impeachable crimes!? His viewers? I dunno anymore.

Sean Hannity

Hopefully he hires a third attorney to file a nuisance/malpratice lawsuit against the first and second attorney and a fourth attorney to file bankruptcy to get relief from the first three’s legal bills. A one-man economic stimulus package (for attorneys!)

If it makes you feel any better Sean Hannity is losing it on Twitter.

I am hereby throwing a new probability into the mix: Melania becomes the first FLOTUS to sue her husband for divorce while he’s still in the White House. But she’d better hurry, if you know what I mean, and I think you do. Also, Trump’s lawyer is going to be very busy, between the Russia investigation and Trump’s

He may be dangerously incompetent, stupid, and venal, but God bless him for keeping so many attorneys employed throughout his lifetime, thanks to hundreds of lawsuits being filed against him. Can you imagine a world without lawyers? (Lionel Hutz shudders)

Friends, I have hated Trump for longer than I can remember. My grandfather would go on rants about how much of a scumbag Trump was 20+ years ago and we would have to slow my Grandfather down because of his shitty heart (physically, he’s a great dude...still, at 90). Please, judge Trump for everything else, but not the

I am happy to report that this tinfoil fan fits perfectly and looks absolutely divine. And also I can’t wait until Putin, with whatever fucking horrific nonsense he dug up on Trump and the GOP, throws them under the fucking bus.

I want to be wrong. I have been assuming that they’ll wait to throw him under the bus until they’ve squeezed every last drop of usefulness out of him, but I want to be wrong! Wrong, wrong, wrong!

I wonder who’s looking at all of this unfold and thinking “yeah, that’s definitely the behavior of an innocent man.”

I cannot wait for every adult who told me there wouldn’t be an impeachment with a GOP-controlled Congress to eat crow.

Friendly reminder that “Locomotive Jones” is a well-known racist troll. Do not engage, do not ungrey, thanks.

You guys ever post something online and/or here and instantly regret it?

Soooo... you didn’t say “no”...

He is single-handedly responsible for removing the public option from the Affordable Healthcare Act.

Yeha you might want to actually read that study which states that they rated whether it was good news or bad news that was being reported. The finding was the vast majority of stories on trump were bad news. SELF INFLICTED