Sobchak Mobile Security

I thought only the ladder is real, the climb is all there is

‘Awesome’ seems a bit strong. What word is half-way between ‘decent’ and ‘good’? Alright? Adequate? Okay? I’m gonna go with ‘okay’.

“I just fired the head of the FBI,” Trump, according to a document read to the Times by an American official. “I faced great pressure because of Russia. That’s taken off.”

That’s what was gathered from the Comey firing because Trump told Lester Holt that was why he fired Comey...

It’s usually not “I fired the FBI director to take pressure off myself” level of negative though.

Its not a joke. Its chaos. The only true, consistent language of the universe is chaos. Time itself is a measurement of entropy and everything that is done will eventually be undone.

I’m Sam Neill at the end of Event Horizon at this point. I’ve cut out my eyes and am getting ready to open a portal to hell because there’s no way it could be worse than our current reality.

They will now spend 14 hours locked in a steel tube, thousands of feet above the ground, with a man not exactly known for gracefully handling bad news.

There is no “money laundering” going on in the story described above unless one of the transfers of money is being done for no real consideration. The stock would have to be worthless or the project would have to be fake. Neither of those things is true.

There are many dots. That was one. Just because that one is not THE smoking gun doesn’t mean nothing is going on here. You, by your own admission, do not know anything about the rest of the dots.



Its not my job to make sure you know what you’re talking about. All these things are readily available on the internet. Do you not know how to use Google?

This is only true if you’re not willing to actually put your personal property up as collateral.

we’ll… return… to that later.

Okay. I don’t feel like spending hours tracking down his financial records so it must not be true.

There are articles here? And people read them?

Just like fucking Iraq. WE TOLD YOU THIS WOULD HAPPEN!

No fucking kidding. I just turned 40, and I’ve thought of Trump as a dick for essentially my entire life. How is any of this a surprise?

Yeah I’ve been fairly certain that Pence was aware of this since the start. My best guess is that he’s fucked due to his knowledge of Flynn and stuff regarding Russia, even if he was smart enough never to speak with Kislyak or other Russian agents of influence himself.