Sobchak Mobile Security

I thought you meant the cat at first.

The intelligence community will beat (and is beating) the people to a revolution.

It’s going to be really hard for Pence to prove he wasn’t a part of this if shit truly does go down. Especially when you’ve got Sessions lying under oath about Kislyak and can put several members of the Trump campaign with Russians while they were at the RNC.

NYT is saying comey left a paper trail of all the shit trump did or said in front of him so this really could be it but I wouldn’t get too excited.

Of course! I feel like with Trump you don’t need to come up with any Machiavellian reasons for anything. Dude is just desperate to appear like he belongs so he’ll just spout out whatever bullet points he skimmed earlier in order to impress whoever he’s talking too.

I swear to God I am going to lose my shit if Jill Stein sticks her mug out of the ground in 2020.

Can we just skip the impeachment and annul this presidency? I’d say we could just abort it, but we’re in the second trimester, and Paul Ryan is going to make sure we carry it to term, even if it kills us.

Is this finally it??? Can this please be the beginning of the end? I’m totally dying for the day the universe rights itself and this orange fuckhead gets the boot. Then I go the closest bar I can find, drop $20 in the jukebox, play “FDT” on repeat, and proceed to get sloshed in the name of sweet, sweet liberty.

“But I just COULDN’T vote for Hillary Clinton”

It’s the root explanation to everything - not mendaciousness so much as his being really, really stupid. I guarantee he didn’t think there was anything wrong with asking Comey to drop the Flynn probe; he’s too dumb to understand obstruction of justice.

Re: The three WH officials:

Because woman?

I doubt any of these ladies are following Ivanka Trump’s advice. That’ll learn em.

What, me worry?

Good luck with moose and squirrel Boris.

Desperation is a stinky cologne.

That poster is annoying AF. Yes. We’ve all seen your lame 10 year old memes. No one gives a damn about your shit. Your country fucking sucks balls and track suits have always been tacky. Lick my butt Boris.