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They weren’t fleeing violence, just taking advantage of violence to flee poverty.

Fake News! Central America isn’t even real! Central America is a Chinese hoax that libtards created so that Obummer can sell us more Chipotle because its made of coal we buy from China who sells it to us so that Phfffffftttt FART NOISES!!!!

He knows the White House is not his… Right? So help me GOD if he puts it on the market or applies for a reverse equity mortgage on it I’m gonna fucking flip my shit.

I’m not sure old Donnie is though…

All I can think of is that any GOP lawmaker who doesn’t instantly 180 and begin looking into this must be part of the scandal in some way (either the Trump-Russia or the money laundering RICO case).

The Handmaid’s Tale already showed us what Pence’s presidency will look like thought :-/

The fact that there still are members of the GOP fighting this should hang on them like a fucking giant scarlet letter. Even John McCain had the common sense to call for a special prosecutor. Sure trump and companies treason have me furious, but the people complicit in this are making me insane.

Also really worth following is John Schindler (@20committee), a former intelligence-community pro with lots of contacts still there. He’s been saying some shit for months that’s finally being vindicated.

I don’t know, but I’m looking forward to see what they do with that Staten Island Hooters basement. It’s going to be great walking through there with a plate of wings.

I think we all know that the “Trump Presidential Library” is just going to be a giant, flat-screen computer monitor scrolling tweets.

No library for Trump. Just a claustrophobic, gilded-to-the-gills media room with wall-to-wall screens playing the greatest hits of Fox News & Friends on a loop.

I don’t know if anyone is keeping track of how often twitter investigators are right about these things but Claude Taylor (@truefactsstated) has been saying this for a while. I take those tweets with rather large grains of salt, because I mostly read them so that I can keep my sanity and hope that someone is doing

This is delicious shade

When the Richard M. Nixon Library is taking potshots at you, you really need to rethink what you’re doing.

The old Vulcan proverb

The parallel’s strong enough! The script doesn’t need to be the same for this to smell very strongly of Watergate 2.0. Committing the crimes, covering up the crimes, firing your friends who helped you cover it up, firing everyone who’s investigating you— a Massacre’s a Massacre.

This wasn’t about any injustice visited upon Hillary Clinton or Huma Abedin. This is clearly about the Trumps being under investigation - and we know that because Donald Trump bothered to say Comey told him he’s not under investigation and he lies, and because Comey can’t ethically correct the lie.

Jared Kushner... isnt he the default fill for all positions now?

Michael Flynn, Director of the FBI.