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No, look. Shut up. The human heart can only hold so much love. It’s basic science stuff. And if you really love and care about your family and Jesus like Republicans do, then you don’t have enough room left to love anyone else. Cause Jesus takes up a fucking shit load of space in the human heart. That’s another

No. Look. Shut up. The human heart can only hold so much love. That’s basic science stuff. And if you really love and care about your family and Jesus like Republicans do, then you don’t have enough room left to love anyone else. Jesus takes up a fucking shit load of space in the human heart. That’s another science

...maybe it doesn’t have anything to do with Christianity at all? Maybe they’re covering for something by claiming religious grounds?

I bet that short one is Jeff Sessions.

Yeah, because the Jim Crow laws never really took hold due to the public pressure at the time, right?

Right, but the point is that all of these “woe is me” hypocrites choose to follow only certain parts of what they ostensibly believe in and it really boils down to “if it’s different from me, I’m against it, and I’m right”

>What about those who were divorced and are remarrying? Are they being denied service as well (I doubt it).

As a Christian, this is how I understand their opposition as it relates to marriage. I personally disagree with them, since as the commenter above says regarding marriage as it relates to the State “it’s a civil contract” and I don’t think it’s right to deny certain rights and privileges to two people who are willing

I am not a Christian, but I can take a shot.

Yeah, the “goood ole days”

unfortunately the risk is getting your store burnt down and possibly murdered by crazies.

Praise be.

He’s the biggest troll on the human race in history.

The GOP policy rush is on!

I think the only reasonable response to this is for business to start refusing service to Christians. After all, freedom of religion also means freedom from religion.

No. This is not how people’s brains work. There are too many outside factors that determines who “wins” and who “loses.”

I am willing to listen to anyone who speaks in truths. People I am not willing to suffer; 1/ Climate change deniers 2/ Anti-abortion activists 3/ Racists 4/ People who push the Just World Fallacy 5/ People who support the unfettered access to guns 6/ People who unquestionably support the War on Terror 7/ People who

How so? People are violent pack animals and “civility” is an illusion. We’ve never had civility. Keep reading this thread, I make a few more related comments.