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occurs between a husband and a wife and God

They’re against abortion. Until you’re born. Then, they’ll abort the fuck out of you.

I love how she conveniently erases the possibility of sex for anyone who’s not both religious and married. An approach that has been tested literally everywhere throughout history and has worked literally never and nowhere. If you want to talk about “always preventing the conception of a child”.

I hate these useless people. Contraception saves lives. Women who have access to affordable contraception and are able to plan when and if they want to conceive are healthier. And spacing out pregnancies is good for women and babies.

Totally legit for the party that gets a lot of donations from the for-profit prison industry that’s planning lots of shiny new facilities that need to be filled.

Well, ideally we shame the girls into letting us sell the babies to rich white people while secretly murdering or just burying in a mass grave stillborn, genetic defects and the half-caste.

“...including the false claim that hormonal contraceptives cause abortions, miscarriages, and reduced fertility.”

So let’s get this straight...

Can Title X fund abstinence only preaching? How about paying preachers to tell women about the rhythm method? Or to tell women to always give men the sex they want and talk about the quiverfull movement? Because that seems like what this lady would want to do in that position.

No more contraceptives because they “don’t work” and defunding of social programs that could conceivably help take care of those unwanted kids.

“The prospect that contraception would always prevent the conception of a child is preposterous.”

I’m sure it worried him. But it didn’t panic him. He was pragmatic. I mean, look at his views on slavery itself.

Also remember that a lot of the best generals (Like Lee) were Southerners so the amount of viable options Lincoln had were limited. The Union didn’t have many good commanders. Sherman had a breakdown and Grant was a drunk. They weren’t factors until the end of the war. I think Grant even was pushing papers at one

Spot on parody of a Trump voter. Really, you’ve got their maniacal voice and rabid denial down pat. You should take that show on the road.

No matter what I could counter-argue, Big Goldfish tells you 2+2=3 and you refuse to open your deluded eyes to facts. So pathetic.

I’ll direct you to a series of links I sent another poster.

Meanwhile, Big Goldfish craps on our allies—Germany, Australia, Canada and Sourth Korea. But then he fawns over his boss, Putin, and can’t wait to host that murderer from The Phillipines—christ.

I agree with that idea, but that doesn’t contradict my point.

I don’t think Islamophobic people have hate in their heart.