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I love that on his segment last night, Carlson named dropped Milo as a martyr for free speech. Like you guys uninvited him from CPAC for being a creepy pro-pedo asshole. Like, bitch, college students knew he was an asshole before those comments!


In all do fairness, she can’t be there to speak because Aragorn released her and her undead army from servitude after Pellenor Fields and she’s already passed on to the otherworld.

Milo’s finished, so is Tomi Lahren, O’Reilly’s off the air for now, Jones just admitted on record that he’s a fraud...

I get that all voices and opinions should be heard, whatever. But why does Berkeley keep inviting these right wing nut jobs to speak, when they know it’s going to cause trouble.

Have they looked in the couch cushions? A lot of times when I can’t find something it’s in the couch cushions.

So I didn’t hate last season like everyone but I was dissapointed overall.

After publically confirming that he was agressively targeting Clinton to the benefit of Trump during the election, I’ll laugh my ass off if Assange is finally brought down by Donald “I love Wikileaks” Trump and his administration.

Trump doesn’t even pay the people who build his buildings so I hope Assange wasn’t thinking he’d be getting any favors from 45.

So? That doesn’t change my point. Just because the UN can’t do it doesn’t mean its our responsibility and ours alone.

Thank you! Americans need to get past this mentality where it’s okay for the US army to bomb/assassinate anyone anywhere in the world whenever the mood strikes them. It’s not okay for any country to do that unilaterally.

While I agree with some of your sentiments, a few points.

Great piece. I hate that we have to have this article again every time we get hit with fetishized suffering... but I don’t see it stopping any time soon. People love getting righteously weepy over dead children. The whole phenomenon reminds me of this piece awhile back :

Good. Glad I’m not the only one… For a sec there I thought I was going to have to cut back on the booze.

I don’t know if this is just an NYC thing, but I’ve noticed a lot of people using that word as slang who shouldn’t be using it. Mostly a certain type of younger male.

That’s why I think that Miller can help women by releasing the ones he has tied up in his basement. You know he has at least a few.


Very nice. Perfect analogy is perfect!