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Serious question I have been pondering. Do people in other countries really think that we are as dumb as this man? Do they think we share his beliefs? Do they understand how tiny his hands are?

Less than a week after the election...I’ll never fucking forget this....Newt Gingrich went on the Diane Rheims show and started fucking gloating like a god damn child that he had already spoken to Trump and his sons about the fact that they now have free range and all Trump will have to do is pardon whomever he likes.

If he did, it would be unprecedented. Nixon was pardoned at least partly to get a politically divided nation over an exteremely traumatic chapter as quick as possible. Remember, Watergate took three years to play out. A criminal trial of a former president would keep the wounds open for at least another year and we

Its only a matter of time.

We definitely need some standards. It’s just that, from the very little I know of this woman, she seems like she might meet them. But I should probably be a little more hesitant to reach that conclusion until I learn more about her. After all, it’s not like the pre-Donald GOP was a good place.

Disagree. After Trump goes to prison, ex-Republican politicians are going to be flocking to us in droves. We need to be selective. Fuck these off-brand turds.

he owns multiple properties funded by organized crime, investments have been shut down because of mob money, he bragged about hosting the mob in Moscow, ONLY gets loaned money from Duestche Bank and half his advisors personally suck Putin’s dick. so… yeah Boris i do.

All of his administration will be compromised. At the very least, they unknowingly added him in covering up these crimes. Which is illegal. Some of them surely knowingly helped cover all this up. I said it to someone else, I’d bet almost all of his cronies will be removed. The GOP is fucking boned.

Meh. Putin isn’t that dumb. He’s worked his whole life amassing power and money, he won’t risk an outright confrontation. Worst case scenerio (which is still bad, but not as bad) is a proxy war in Syria/Iraq/Iran.

Trump is not smart enough to keep the rest of his team clean of this. It will be the biggest story of our lives. Remember, the Russian mob is the same thing as the Russian government. Anyone with connections to Trump will be removed from any position of power. If I had to bet, I’d even bet this will go through even

He’s going to jail for money laundering. Shouldn’t be much longer now, you’ll want to start working on your party playlist.

Sure. #2 is Planned Parenthood. You can read on for an explanation of my original comment.

It doesn’t seem fair that our tax dollars are going to benefit such a small subset of the population.

Not as good as “Inmate 3021759 Trump”, but we’ll take what we can get!

“Disgraced Former President Donald Trump in his cell at Leavenworth Penitentiary” sounds even better.

I’m incredulous as to how it hasn’t dropped yet. That Maddow piece was mind boggling and I thought it would spread like wild fire. I’ve heard nary a peep. I hope it blows up, though

He’s going to stroke out before 2020. I seriously don’t know why people overlook how fat and old he is.

Right? Like, first of all, Dr. King did participate in marches that blocked roads, and even if he hadn’t, how is that relevant?

Cue a million people talking about how civil disobedience never helped accomplish anything (which you can already see on twitter). People said the same thing about the March, too. I am curious what these critics think people who want change should do...

Say it with me everyone…