Sobchak Mobile Security

Billionaire or thousandaire, dude can afford a damn tie clip, or double sided tape at least.

No, you are right. He’s basically broke, and he’s on the hook to the Russian Mob and the Russian oligarchs, and he doesn’t want anyone to know, which is why we still haven’t seen his tax returns.

There is almost no question which Terry fails to answer.

The Captain Samuel Vimes “Boots” theory of socioeconomic unfairness:

Donald Trump isn’t a billionaire and he doesn’t have a ton of cash. Only Duestche Bank will loan him money because he’s helping them launder it for the Russian mob. His properties are all probably being used as fronts. One in Soho already got busted for that exact reason. If he had a ton of liquidity, American banks

Were you talking to a Russian diplomat before making that comment?

Fail. It’s “Shillary”, not “Hillary Shills”.

its just like the LIEberals at GizLIERS media to ask if I read a story before commmenting on it. go back to riting about GADGETS you hillary shills if i wanted to read about how i dont read things before i comment on them i’d go not-read the new york CRIMES opinion page. nice work trying to trick me into reading

First they came for our shit-posting, and I said nothing......

You should be able to live off of working 40 hours per week.

No lets keep diving into these ones. You did your very best to justify the liberal actions. With zero effort going in to justify conservative actions.

Liberal: “lets use tax dollars to feed them!”
Conservative: “Clearly they can’t get jobs to feed themselves, lets improve our economy so there is more jobs for them to help themselves.”

Because people with low EQ tend to have a hard time relating to other people... which again is proved by your blatant attempt to categorize and dismiss all people who do not see eye to eye with you.

Responding to your edit.

I’m degrading or attacking anyone. I’m simply stating fact.

I don’t need to influence them. I need to be smarter than them.

Counterpoint: Conservative moral values are based on fairy tales, cognitive biases and the Just World Fallacy.

Its because conservatives don’t really think critically. They react emotionally.

Easy everyone. You know how emotional and weepy conservatives tend to get. Let them cry it out for a couple hours. Its for their own good.

Indeed. Absolutely. Bigly.