Sobchak Mobile Security

Sure. I’ll probably be the only one to bring that up then.

I like the part where he’s all “you’re black. can you get those other blacks on the phone?”

It’s like Vogon poetry.

they need to stop trying to make alt left happen

Keeping escaped slaves hidden was once illegal, but moral. Keeping Jews hidden was once illegal, but moral. In some cases, hiding “illegal” immigrants is also illegal but moral.

I think you mixed up your crazy pills with your stupid pills.

You do realize that indigenous people are still oppressed and suffering because white people colonized North America, right? And that they’re still having to do things like protect their water because America is still doing things like building pipelines on their land, so it’s them who will suffer if/when that

Your logic is seriously flawed here. Breaking and entering private property is in no way equivalent to overstaying a visa or crossing the border of a country without going through the proper channels. If you can’t see that, then I’m afraid no one here can help you.

False equivalence. Try again.

Well that’s like stage 2 anyway.

Brave is a word I would use to describe a woman willing to fuck your disgusting ass.

I guess we’ve reached the check your papers stage of fascism.

I live in USA but I am not a citizen so I can not vote but I can say people voted for him because of fear, fear of the jobs they are losing, fear of immigrants, fear of non christian religions, fear of changing and because, not all of course, think that you have to work in order to earn basic stuff, like health and if

O’Keefe’s work, though dishonest

Sharing this to show how much of a piece of shit James O’Keefe is. My brother was assaulted at one of his events.

Let’s not forget that today, Spicer called the Yemen raid a success and said that to not consider it a success was disrespectful to slain Navy SEAL CPO Ryan Owens.

I don’t feel sorry for Spicer. When Trump a Lump told Spicer to go out and berate the press after the inauguration, he should’ve quit. That orange faced moron asked you to go out and tell a lie that was easily proven to be a lie. That was a big old neon hit to pack your shit and go.

I’ve seen that same tactic used by trolls in the comments here. A guy yesterday was telling me that because I didn’t want to debate slavery with him, that meant I didn’t take slavery seriously. There must be a school where they learn these tactics.

Maybe anything Trump touches turns orange?