@annieuro: I concur.
@annieuro: I concur.
I'm not sure I like the lower case letters on the keyboard. I understand the design choice, but still...
"North Point" is two words.
@They call me MISTER Scroggs!: I LOL'd. Heart-click for you.
What kind of serious cyclist (especially someone willing to spend over $1000 on a new bike) is going to buy a single-speed bike?
@xsbs: While I do agree with you in that it should probably say 3 decades, it technically only says that it was built before 1979, which means that it could have been built in '69 or any other year before that, making the four decades statement potentially true (and impossible to disprove given only that information,…
@ruleb151: I actually thought the exact opposite. I had a big stupid grin on my face throughout the whole Viper sequence but the Lambo comparison was way too drawn out for me.
@Graviton1066: haha I thought the exact same thing: "This would not go over so well on some other Gawker website..."
@Chairman Kaga: And all the white Christians who have permission to fly on the new planes get white robes an pointed hats to wear around so that it's clear who's the higher class of citizen.
No idea what or who this is (some sort of homegrown rally?), but it's pretty awesome.
@CubemonkeyNYC: I agree. What gets me even more is when the same people who a few years ago were defending things like warrantless wiretapping under the banner that "individual liberties must be suspended for the sake of national security" are now all up in arms about this. I guess when it happens to some "suspected…
iHate Ping.
@Dragonis: Oh, you're from Northern Montanta.
And that's why you never send out naked pictures of yourself that you don't want on the internet.
@SoaringDisbelief: Dammit, here's the link.
@Canuck Chinaman: Also, red is not a good R8 color, it's probably the worst. Try this on for size (note, it is the R8 GT).
@Canuck Chinaman: I still disagree. The picture you posted looks bad, I admit, but I still think the R8 usually looks fine, even good, from the side.
@Canuck Chinaman: It looks better if the side blade is a different color than the rest of the car. I mean, who gets their R8 in all red?
It's even more of a shame that these cars never get driven when you think of the fact that someone with this kind of money could easily have a private track constructed for his personal use. Not to mention a personal instructor, personal pit crew, etc. Just imagine all the fun you could have...
Yeah, the bigger story here is that this guy's nuts. He thinks that MI5 has been poisoning him and interfering with his life for years (starting in '99). A recent blog post: