
I noticed...


Ha. Ha. Ha ha ha.

Now playing

All My Files reminds me of this (skip to the 1:07 mark):

@Bzu: I believe I meant to reply to the first reply to your original comment. Sorry about that.

@Bzu: In my mind, the R8 is in a different class than the SLS and M6. I feel like the R8 is firmly in the supercar range, and the SLS, while a supercar, is supposed to be more of a limited luxury demo car. The M6 is just a super-coupe.

@DennyCraneDennyCraneDennyCrane: haha, as someone who has lived here my whole live, the idea that Atlanta was in any way "planned" is laughable.

@Shamal: Call me ignorant, but what is that? I honestly can't tell.

@kujel: Yes, but are you doing it at triple-digit speeds?

@rand0m: I have the same issue.

I'd like to point out that in the video, when the person goes to Gizmodo, it appears to be

@ILikeKubrick: Perhaps because the shadows are so dark?

Ahh, good call. I knew "servers" didn't make sense, but I hadn't thought of "servos."

"The rest of the servers, cables and electronics control every facet of those three phones"


I just came back to this from the Ford RS200 for sale article on 60-0, and this has to be one of the best articles ever posted on Jalopnik. I remember thinking that the first time I read it, and it's still true now.