
@Ryanrule: You wouldn't not? You must really love Audi if you want to buy one even with their supposed "long term quality" issues.

I want it. Real bad.

FINALLY. I have been waiting so long for this. This is my dream car. I will of course buy one. This car is everything I love about Audi today (with the exception of the wagons, which are awesome but not for me). Yes yes yes.

Yeah, show 'em, Audi.

It seems like an Audi-fied version of a VW GTI or Rabbit. Those are pretty good cars for the size and price, so I'm holding out hope for this one too.

As a Theatre tech geek and Mac fanboy, I find this awesome. I wish I had something like this for our theatre, and these guys' skills of course

This all sounds great, and I'm not going to repeat all of the stuff the others have said about the return of the old Jalopnik (I wholly agree). I would, however, like to say that I think more reviews would be a great way to go. You can use reviews as a way to really show and tell your readers which companies and cars

Oh God. I think I almost had a heart attack. If someone took all of the worst parts of Lambo's current cars (and that's saying something, 'cause they make some fine automobiles) and used them to impregnate a Honda CRV, this is what the aborted baby would look like.

Audi to finally bust out the RS5.

"the same wheelbase and it only weighs about 18 lbs less"

I just like it because of the S5.

It's even orange w/ white stripes on the inside. How....nice?

Nice watermark, guys.

@Nathan Obbards: I guess I meant the opposite of dearth. I tried to use a big word to sound smart and strengthen my argument, and fell flat of my ass. I deserved that.

Doesn't surprise me. Google has such a dearth of incredibly intelligent and creative people that it's not like they're hurting for talent and need to recruit hard, and the engineer was right in saying that it's better for the whole industry, and thus Google, to have smart and innovative people everywhere and not just

They have got to think of a better name than "Windows 8". I mean, for all of it's shortcomings, "Vista" at least sounds cools.

"In unrelated news, Top Gear just lost 90% of all potential studio audiences due to the fact that they were gearheads who would rather work on a '67 Austin-Healey Sprite than find a girl to take to the show." (No offense Murilee)

Not to be picky, but that should say "well-heeled", not "well-healed."