I’m all for this if it means Conan ditching monologues. I think his only enjoyment during that is when a joke bombs and he can make fun of it in a way that’s far, far funnier than the joke itself.
I’m all for this if it means Conan ditching monologues. I think his only enjoyment during that is when a joke bombs and he can make fun of it in a way that’s far, far funnier than the joke itself.
I’m ok with this. You can sometimes tell Conan gets a little bored with the really structured interviews and monologues. He’s got a really good production team and writers so hopefully this turns out well. He’s my favorite late night host since Craig Ferguson left.
Can we talk about the actual good shows ABC aired tonight Blackish and The Middle.
Okay, so they don’t watch the show.
That reminds me of all those knockoff Bart t-shirts that were all the rage in 1990.
Nobody who speaks English can be an evil man.
She didn’t insult her appearance at all. If you think she did that’s on you and you’re buying into what these assholes want you to believe. Her use of “perfect smoky eye” was saying that it was created from the ashes of truth burning and that was it in regards to appearance.
There is a lot of great stuff in Buffy, but man some of the metaphors about or revolving around sex are cringe worthy.
Cracked wrote the most accurate description of Joss Whedon ever put to (digital) paper back in 2009:
Jesus, dude, lighten up. When people say “atheists are just as annoying as religious people,” this is exactly what they’re talking about.
He made me and millions of people around the world laugh. RIP.
Oh just fuck off already. A guy dies and you think there’s a ‘plus’ in that because no more Austin Powers films will be made? Did someone FORCE you to attend an Austin Powers movie once and you didn’t like it? Did you trade your soul to the devil in exchange for agreeing to see every Austin Powers movie ever made? You…
“Well, i guess its BACK TO JAIL FOR ME!” — Tim Allen
Would gladly do 50 dollars and time served if it meant we could get him back. RIP Harry Anderson. Say hi to Mel for us.
RIP Harry Anderson.
I loved Night Court when I was a kid, and have caught some reruns as an adult. It holds up. He is the beating heart of that show. Bull, Dan, Ros, Christine, Mack, and others were great characters, but Harry Anderson grounded it, with his own sharp humor. Harry, Mel Torme, and corny magic tricks. 65 is far too young. I…
Because it’s only blackout drunks that are a pain in the ass to be around in the workplace...
Jordan was terrible too! I wish she realized what a loser he was after he slept with Rayanne and decided to work on her friendship with Ray instead. But she was a teenager, they’re not known for their great decision making.