Some writers just want to see the world burn.
Some writers just want to see the world burn.
*fight his battles for him.
As long as you can keep a straight face while reading off a PR cultivated statement, you’ll make really decent income!
Or more likely, he’s acting dumb about the proposed tax to rile up the actual dumb/anti-government/anti-Liberal masses to fight their battles for them.
You’ve unlocked a painful and traumatic memory I suppressed many years ago…
Insert_SuperTroopers “Enhance” Scene.gif
Who doesn’t love The Descent?!
Should change his name to VagueGrammar.
Coaches, trainers, front office, and owners.
7-10 just doesn’t have the same pizazz as 7-9.
Nailed it on the head.
For any developers or designers that would know, would a solo mode with all the features this game is blocking COST more or be more difficult overall for the studio employees?
It’s really jarring at times. You can tell the writer isn’t 100% comfortable or nuanced enough to seamlessly connect with other/older articles without it looking forced or awkward.
Water is essential for life but also one of the most devastating forces.
And damn a small portion of my mind for thinking that sounds kind of cool…
Vince McMahon level of swerve tactics to grab defeat from the jaws of victory.
No, PLEASE LET US forget MG:Survive…
I had to take my socks off to use my toes for this mathematical conundrum.
Oh damn it! Now I want a Chinatown Wars remaster for current gen!
Was it a RC mission or a train following mission?