Are you saying Microsoft is being...XS-sive?
Are you saying Microsoft is being...XS-sive?
Your comment joins my unintended coffee snort/choke laughing list.
Ugh...I’ll begrudgingly download the game when PS+ offers it as one of their free monthly games.
What should happen versus what does happen doesn’t negate the criminal aspects of these politicians.
Really?? Then he deserves being ousted from office and jail time.
Headcanon: Kurosawa actually forges his gift swords!
What is seen CANNOT BE UNSEEN!
Thicccccachu, I choose you
You know that bbq sauce, cheddar, and (likely) soggy rubber bacon will make the top of the chicken super mushy and saturated. What a damn shame.
A good, hard shin kick by me to said steak savager will follow!
You know what’s kind of sad? There will (most likely) never be a Super Best Friends Play play-through of this. this what wholesome feels like?
Hey! Farming Simulator is actually enjoyable!
This deserved recognition!
Vault Boy is blonde, but does he have blue eyes?
You nearly made me slip off my eagle eye perch WITHOUT a convenient haystack to break my fall with your comment!
I have to know the carbs per serving.
I’m so very glad your comment was brought out of the grays...just so we could all marvel at its logic-leaping, victim blaming nonsense.
Are our lives really all that much better if surrounded by these types?
IT IS CRIMINAL THAT DEBRA WILSON ISN’T A BIGGER STAR! She’s too damn funny, beautiful and physical to not have been more of a mainstream hit. I really feel MadTV cursed or relegated it’s alumni to a niche/cult status. Phil Lamar and Mo Collins being two other glaringly underutilized examples.