
He can serenade his wife all he likes, but he still views her as a second class citizen in his own house. 

Ja Ja!

Oh, you. 

Mmmm...fermented orange flavor byproduct. A wonderful vintage from June, 2019.

Makes an agitative statement...then plays it cool while others show the fallacy of statement.

Jake Butt. It was in front of us the hole time. 

Or a Tight End named Jake Butt...

Isn’t that Bethesda’s MO recently?

Take the helmet off your head, it’s constricting your airflow and you’re coming off sounding delirious. 

At least be a functional, dare I say even an enjoyable game from a supposed higher end AAA company? 

His wife has some explaining to do. 

This is the perfect compromise. Is this what having your cake and eating it too means??

But what about the money?? Don’t you care about money??

The schadenfreude is delicious. But he did admit his mistake and now we’re all a happy, non snarky family. 

Hey, some of my best sandwiches are made with white bread!

What would be a better term though? “Alleged Assaultee”? I’m drawing a blank with anything that would be sensitive enough without sounding too clever or pun-like.

Ugh. I shivered hard from those tweets. 

It’s not. You’re being obtuse. 

We’ll all be shocked when Frazier’s house is raided and there’s several freezer units full of bodies.

I’m the exact opposite, crispy edges were the perfect texture combo with the syrupy sponge portion. As for this inside out eating technique? It’s just so impractical and time consuming.