Really? Or was it more likely that the use of FaceTime while driving was “a substantial factor in causing plaintiffs injuries and decedent’s death.”
Really? Or was it more likely that the use of FaceTime while driving was “a substantial factor in causing plaintiffs injuries and decedent’s death.”
And then Williams should build another, even bigger garage where his neighbors house used to be.
It did autonomously blow straight through a red light though. They want to compare their system to Tesla, but the problem with that is Tesla already got the permit and did the testing a long time ago to get to this point.
You’re wrong. It’s not gawker anymore, it’s Univision. Also you can’t criticize the journalistic integrity of a blog because you’re not supposed to get your news from a blog. You come here for entertainment. Let me guess, the rest of your “journalism” comes from facebook?
First of all, trump said specifically he wants to change the libel laws so he and his rich friends can “sue them (journalists) and win lots of money.” There goes freedom of speech.
Thank you for taking the time to read that entire cringepiece and distill it down to something entertaining. I really hope nobody takes this Lord of LinkedIn seriously. What a laugh
This is a spot on comparison. I’m a huge BMW fan and always wanted an m car, but I’m starting to realize they are play things for the rich and those who pretend to be rich. Ford on the other hand has been on a roll making affordable drivers cars. It’s as if they have been reading jalopnik and making cars just for us…
I don’t usually comment on old articles, but I still read through the comments and I have to say your driving logic is sound and if everyone drove like this there would be many fewer accidents. It is a pleasure to have you out on the road.
“have a Miata for any drives beyond five miles.”
Why are people going out and buying new cars? Can’t they just rack up free miles on their TDIs, passing up service intervals (it will be VW’s problem soon) until they get their check in the mail and have to give it back?
I’ll believe it as soon as I see a faraday future dealership near me.
I hope you took the application more seriously than you led on. I would be very happy if you actually got the job.
Fuck a B pillar. Good work Cadillac. Now don’t go cheap on the finished product.
I take pleasure in the fact that it’s a car that rewards good driving and punishes bad drivers severely. Don’t ruin it for me. The purists will live on.
“Feeling that big flat-six engine push the whole car forward from way, way back there is a near-religious experience”
I did. To my defense I don’t think anyone in America looks at the escape and says “it’s nice, but a little too big”. It was designed to be a city car for Americans, hence the name Escape... (...from the city)
Add the versatility features to the escape and it will sell like Rihanna albums in America.
It’s definitely tall enough for America, but it’s probably too small. I mean, really what’s the difference between this and a Ford Escape?
There’s something to be said about making the maybach more than just an up optioned s class, but for me the problem was that maybachs were actually uglier than the s class, especially from the front.