Can’t they just install one of these and call it a day?
I looked into getting AT&T internet only after getting fed up with time warner. Their website had a reasonable price listed, but the fine print at the bottom said “offer only with qualifying home phone service enrollment”. Turns out the price for that archaic service wasn’t listed on their website. I had to make an…
There is something especially jalopworthy about this line: “Maybe this will leave residual oily-gunk all over the tools that I use to eat.” David Tracy, you are now one of my favorites. Please ungray if you don’t feel patronized by this.
Says Jeremy clarkson
The physics basically goes like this: metal expands when heated, and contracts when cooled. Therefore you can make the bearing smaller by freezing and the place where it goes gets bigger after being heated.
Ok so you just crashed your mclaren, it’s on fire, you’ve got cuts and burns in addition to a case of “affluenza”, and now you have to run back to your flaming car, pop open the frunk and retrieve your emergency kit before the whole thing blows up. Yeah this thing will never get used by anyone, that is unless Aron…
In Soviet Russia, bike rides you.
Just barely missed the camera car. Best. Drift. Ever.
This is the way things were meant to be. You should always have to teach potential test drivers how to drive your exotic. They are supposed to be different. It’s why they call them “exotics” in the first place.
IIHS be damned, this needs to be built.
This is apparently how he plans to get Mexico to pay for his wall.
My favorite:
I just learned a new meaning for the word “practical”
Maybe oj stole it back along with all the other memorabilia.
I see how it is a good idea for Mazda, allowing them to expand their market share. However, it’s not a good idea for enthusiasts because it’s 200 lbs of “really?why?”.
Don’t let it get you down xibit. Haters gonna hate. hopefully people read this and realize he is real person, not just a pop culture icon.
At least Toyota has the decency to fix their mistakes, ah hem... vw
That's one way to break in a new car.