That’s some seriously good satire. Kept me lolling the whole time. :)
That’s some seriously good satire. Kept me lolling the whole time. :)
Amazing story. I particularly liked the unexpected but perfectly accurate usage of the word “trolling” by a high level Air Force pilot in most likely his 40s or 50s. Sounds like a cool guy.
I’m think he would have sold the car as is on the spot, but he saw the opportunity to save a little money thinking it wouldn’t come back to bite him in the ass. Luckily he messed with the wrong guy.
Wait a minute... 5 x 150,00 =
Speaking of skepticism, is a reverse drift like that even possible? Maybe the video is being played backward with sound effects added.
Too bad they have their hands full just trying to keep it together. Ever hear highway patrol recruitment adds on the radio? They’re clearly in a desperate situation.
Same goes for people speeding in the slow lane
I completely agree. I like to say “speed doesn’t kill, but a difference in speed kills” meaning these assholes driving slow in the fast lane will get slammed by someone going fast and not paying attention.
Oh god, I was really hoping most left lane campers were just completely ignorant. Knowing this really pisses me off. I’d love to see someone like that trying to defend their actions to the Michigan state troopers.
True. I feel way safer texting and browsing the web while I'm using my adaptive cruise control because I know the cars got my back.
Truly breathtaking. I could stare at this car for days. So many details, so little plastic. I hate plastic.
Might be a good buy so long as you don't live in California. CARB regulations won't allow it unless you get it approved through them or plan on living with the car in Arizona for a year then bringing it in.
Knowing Italian craftsmanship I'd go with option 2
Here in America we don’t like to sit on our asses and wait for someone to haul us around like cattle. Being on our own schedule and conquering the road like we conquered practically this whole continent is what freedom is all about.
High margins with low sales can only last so long before they destroy the prestige associated with the name Maserati and people stop wasting their money
Ahh, the everybody’s doing it approach to marketing. I guess chevy assumes their customers like to go with the herd. They know people who buy Chevys don’t make decisions for themselves. I.e. “I drive a Chevy cuz my daddy done drove one, and his grandpappi before him, and my uncle once towed a tree up outta the ground,…
There are very strange things going on under that hood
Gotta say whoever commissioned this truck has excellent taste.
Whoa, now that's a jalopmobile