But how much do you usually spend on your computer?
But how much do you usually spend on your computer?
Welcome into the fold. I’m a die-hard build-it-yourself guy, but I would never steer someone away from buying pre-builds if they’re intimidated by the possibility of messing things up (anyone who’s done their first build has almost screwed it up at some point). It’s a ton of fun once you’ve done it once or twice, and…
“And I didn’t want one of those glowing, green gaming PCs equipped with fangs and pincers.”
Welcome to the Master Race Land, we got Mountain Dew Rivers, Taco Trees and Corona fountains. From now on, your hair will blow in the wind EVEN WHEN THERE’S NO WIND.
This idea only makes sense if you think the characters play the game. They don’t. People play them.
Anything that is not cookiecutter is auto fail to those players.
Wait so you want Sony to charge you less and NOT give you a free game but Nintendo IS charging way less and you are mad because they are giving you a month to play and beat a game? How does that even make sense in your brain?
Thats the true reason anyone wants to be online.
>50% cheaper than the competition :p
Of course we’re still pissed at Nintendo.
Sounds reasonable. Wish it was this cheap for PS4. What if I only want online for Bloodborne?
Gamers are always pissed about everything and anything.
I knew this was going to be the case. People kept freaking out, thinking this service would cost as much as PSN or Xbox LIVE, but I had a strong feeling Nintendo was going to charge only $20 for the year.
Nintendo exec Tatsumi Kimishima told the Nikkei that the Switch’s enhanced paid online services will cost between 2,000 yen to 3,000 yen (US$17.60 to $26.40) annually. “With paid [services], we will be able to fully commit to customers,” Kimishima added.
I get that it is part of his abilities but wouldn’t you consider this somewhat cheating?
You do realize that not every single player/team are composed of the “spec standard” layout just because the community demands it ‘mandatory’. Its this kind of “meta gaming eltie” that prevent new player growth because they “demand compliance or be insulted”.
Create a custom game, with the skirmish ruleset. It should allow you to explore unimpeded. If for some weird reason it’s not allowing you to make one without anyone else present, add an Ana bot and change the rule to headshots only. Ana cannot headshot so she will never be able to do any actual damage to you. This…
yep. the recon bastion fucked them. when he saw that lucio was wallriding he should have gotten near the point and aimed turret mode at the flag and waited.