
"Thou shalt not carry thy babe in thy arms, but affix it to the hem of thy garments."

I will bet right now that the winner will be a design by Pnina Tornai.

No one matters unless there are a lot of them!

It's unfortunate that these people were treated poorly for being trans, rather than too fat to fly... then maybe some of you morons would actually give a shit.

dearest good friend:

This is standard bullshit practice for whackos and the fortunate part is that judges do not buy it 99.9% of the time. Sex offenders are the worst at this: victim blaming, "this was a one time thing, please see the good in me", "I made a mistake", etc.

I've known lots of shy guys. I even dated a few. They were sweet, and never made feel like they might hurt me and never gave off creepy vibes. Creep != shy. In fact, some of the creepiest guys I've known were outgoing. No one thinks shy people are creepy. They think creepy people are creepy.

Dear wizards, You don't need cars, money, height or looks to attract women. All you really need is to not give us a feeling that you might secretly want to rape and kill us. Bonus points if you don't call us a whore.

Ugh, nobody should be allowed to learn how to drive in Washington, D.C. They should fly her out of the beltway entirely, so she can learn how to drive among people who are not actively trying to commit murder with their cars.

I believe this is a costume from the upcoming Pan's Labyrinth 2: Pan Harder.

It wont let mesee the pictures without installing some app I dont need


I hate to be the one to break this to you. But you are not on a Feminist-only site. You are actually on Jezebel. There are all sorts of perspectives here. It is not a site for one ideology or political perspective, this is not a political party, it's just a site with a feminine angle to it. You haven't discovered

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK every single dipshit who dismissed the word of podiatrists and physical therapists the world over, preached the benefits of these things like they weren't the victims of a successful marketing scam and thought they'd just somehow stumbled onto the

Think of it as a FiveFinger discount.

maybe hipsters are unfamiliar with comedy, but comedy is based on the comparison or contrast between two ideas that creates a friction or cognitive dissonance that our brains recognize as funny. Here, Rivers is comparing living in her daughter's lavish guest room to the hellish conditions of The cleveland kidnapping

I have a few observations of Barbara Winfrey - she was an assistant principal at my high school.

I suspect that redemption requires one to acknowledge and apologize and make amends for the things in your past that require redemption.

I'm also wondering at what point we're going to see rappers named The Hostess or Sara Li.