
Basically, women should just be forced to take regularly-scheduled pregnancy tests before our male protectors will sign off on our ability to leave the house. Because we wouldn't want to endanger the children by, you know, existing autonomously in the world.

Why stop there? We should probably give pregnancy tests for women who do many dangerous things:

How about we background-check men to see if they have kids before they're allowed to drink in bars because what if they're abusive alcoholic dads? I mean, seriously?

To be fair, California isn't exactly THAT progressive. There are pockets of progression, but don't fool yourself into thinking they are some bastion of social liberalism.

Fuck those people.

Omg her spine is so fat!

No, it's just a REALLY good will suck in space and time as well as your waistline.

After spending a year in Kentucky you think she would've learned how to execute a proper blackface.

1) video store called this into the police 2) police decided a crime was committed 3) police took the time to go to a judge to get a warrant 4) judge, honest to god, actually issued said requested warrant (5) state's attorney chose to actually issue charges.

I use a five dollar can of Psssssst! Which I've only found on the bottom shelf at CVS. It doesnt make my hair sticky. Spray at night around hairline and underneath where I part my hair, rub it around, and brush it out with a boar bristle brush in the AM. I have dark hair so this really only works every other day or it

we got a CVS pharmacist bible thumper fired from his job after he refused to sell my gf Plan B

I was just watching a documentary on the chimpanzee. I enjoyed watching the part where mumma chimpanzee put the placenta in a waterproof bag and then blogged about it. AHH NATURE.

First of all, to each their own, but honestly I think it's really gross to hear when women change their name. You know whose name I get to change? My livestock when I buy them. You are an individual-keep your name.

There is absolutely fucking nothing better than Liz&Dick. I will never be sorry to say that, and they sell it at Sam's Club, and I'm buying it.

I wonder if she does research on cancer? I mean, if you can make the time to do it, so can she.

My excuse is that I do research on cancer.

The fact that she's posting pictures like this seems to suggest she hasn't fully recovered from her issues with food and body image.