the good king snugglewumps

The show has done the impossible… and made me feel bad for Caleb. I appreciate Chick reminding us that he raped Norma — he may have loved her, but it's a fucked up kind of love.

I already miss the real Norma Bates. It looks like we won't get a shortage of Norma freakouts this season, but I'm going to miss the more vulnerable, human moments that are only possible with the real Norma. But I have complete faith in Vera Farmiga, and I'm sure she's going to inject nuance into the most unexpected

Yeah, when I read that I was like, "the fuck?"

I got that one, too.

Has anyone seen a pop-up today on the upper left of their screen asking you to upload a picture of yourself? I found one on an article earlier, but it hasn't appeared since. Tell me I'm not crazy! Or if it's specific to my computer (I do have adblock, so it's even weirder).

Just ignore them. They've already reached peaked patheticness—they don't have any arguments so they're attacking your grammar/spelling.

They complement each other, but I do think there's more to explore with Grace. Frankie has all the big/funny moments, though, and awards shows tend to gravitate towards that.

Emilia Clarke, Game Of Thrones

And Pearl Mackie for the new companion as well.

If this was around 2011, we might be the same person.

Yeah, I hope that's on purpose and not bad acting. Investigating Norman isn't going to end well for her, but we need more conflict next season than just Romero and Dylan suspecting him.

Do you think the detective is convinced of Norman's innocence? Her face when he was picking out the dress seemed really sympathetic.

I think that's a logical trajectory, but not the only one. The show's path is Norman warping the Norma we know until she becomes the Mother in Psycho, and for me, that's as believable as the one you proposed. You don't think it makes as much sense, so I can see why you'd have a problem with the show. But to each their

So you're saying that Norma has to be completely nasty and abusive to get Norman where he is in Psycho?

I feel like this analysis brings a lot of discredit to the amount of effort the show has put in to make these characters full-fledged people. You said it yourself:

I was on edge the entire episode. Everything just felt off-tilt, which was obviously what the show was aiming for. And I'm with everyone on Norma's creepy dead eyes. By the end, I was screaming at the camera to stop panning to her! And her body flopping around when Norman dug her out of her grave. Ugh. I'm repulsed

It paid off, though. I can't believe anyone could watch her acting and come out of it thinking she deserves to be awarded for it.

The fact that she wasn't even nominated for an Emmy proves that the entire thing's a sham. Not that we didn't already know that, but this BS was particularly egregious.

Rick vs Carol, maybe? It's been slightly done, but a full blown "war" would be hella interesting.

That exact same experience happened to me. As a young'un just starting out with commenting, it was really disheartening.