the good king snugglewumps

I appreciated the strict moderation, but man, you could get strikes for the most harmless shit. I remember being a newbie and absolutely scared to post anything that toed the line of status quo.

I loved his take on Norma. He's definitely more miss than hit, but when TWoP shut down, I was really sad to see his BM recaps go.

I love the recaps which were basically therapy for some of the recappers. And by "love," I mean "hate."

Do you live in the Philippines? It's always nice to see fellow Filipinos on The AVC!

Don't even bother. They're being deliberately obtuse.

I mean, those people are assholes, but it's still depressing that there isn't equal media coverage for these tragedies.

I'm gonna take this opportunity to get everyone to watch Bates Motel. Some parts are admittedly a slog to get through, but it's worth it for the masterclass showcase of acting Vera Farmiga and Freddie Highmore bring to the table every week. Also, this season is killing it.

I'm not judging her for lying (my first sentence was a riff on a meme), I'm impressed with how good she is at it. If you don't know the real story like Romero, you can just interpret her expressions as sadness at the shittiness of her life rather than disappointment that she has to lie.

I'm fond of Obummer. It's so stupid it's almost endearing.

Can a kind soul compile a list of all the nicknames Hillary has been called throughout the years? Hitlery might be my favorite.

Oh dang, I've only watched the newer series so I can't help you there.:(

By old series, do you mean the '00s reboot of the show before the current doctor, or you want to start from the very beginning? I think if you like Firefly, you'll like Doctor Who, too. Though the latter is definitely more uneven, just because it's way longer. (Yes, I'm still bitter about Firefly.)

What do you most enjoy about genre shows? The sci-fi aspects, the story, the characters? There are some classic episodes where you don't need to know much about the show to enjoy them, and I could recommend some based on what you like!

They did say they had a couple. They were upfront about it!

He's just so… bland. I find it hard to believe that either Frank or Claire would have a single iota of interest in him.

They didn't show her realizing it, but because she's spent so long in cahoots with the Underwoods, she knows how they operate by now and immediately recognized when she was being manipulated. I think she knew almost from the beginning.