the good king snugglewumps

Are there no pictures of Alex Jones with his shirt on???

I would be interested in the behind-the-scenes negotiations for this. Parrilla's and Carlyle's contracts have expired, so it's not like they're beholden to return. And they're both talented enough that they won't lack for roles after this. Why is everyone else choosing not to return? Who wasn't asked back?

Oof. The forced snark is cringe-worthy.

Has that been confirmed? Maybe with Emma out of the picture, the show can focus on Regina and Rumple. They always had the best scenes anyway.

Emma is barely a character anymore (seriously, when was the last time she had a plotline separate from Hook and their romance?) that I honestly don't think the show would suffer very much if she were written out. Though the best case scenario is for the show to end so Parrilla and Carlyle have more time in their

I completely agree. And in the bloopers, you can see the exact moment Vera breaks character because her grasp on Norma is so strong.

That shot of Dylan cradling Norman's dead body as the camera panned out to Norma's corpse was absolutely beautiful and tragic.

It's incredible that Jane Fonda is nearly 20 years older than Peter Gallagher. She DEFINITELY does not look it. Grace brings it up in the finale. It's even crazier since Jane plays younger in the show.

I haven't finished the season but I know she goes to visit her ex. I really hope her life-changing epiphany isn't her realizing that she wants kids after all. That would be the ultimate copout.

This season has been really good to Robert. The way Martin Sheen manages to look like a lost little boy when his mother tells him that he's selfish for telling her he was gay when she could have died not knowing was devastating. His entire body just shrinks, and you can see he's still a little hopeful despite

This needs an answer. I might actually shell out money for a beautiful hammy performance.

She reviews Brooklyn Nine-Nine, which has been on hiatus for 84 years.

He does a really good job as "Mother," but it's obvious that it's someone else just playing at being Norma Bates. But maybe that's what he's going for.

It seems a little weird too to have him heal from the gunshot wound then have him die in the end. The show's been doing great so far with the final season, so I hope they stick the landing.

I won't be a big fan if they go in that direction. It seems like at this point, they should be gearing towards everything merging with the main plot, which is Norman's fast descent into insanity. It's weird that some characters are off having their own separate adventures so close to the end.

To know Norma Bates was to be forever transformed by her.

She thinks it was. It was still an older sibling taking advantage of a younger one, no matter how fucked up their situation is. And in the end, she said she wanted to stop what they were doing, but he wouldn't do it.

I actually assumed it was Norman at first, too!

Caleb was probably referring to Dylan when he said that. But you may get your wish — according to previews, Caleb is still alive next week and having hallucinations about Norma being alive.

Also, another thing I noticed last night that I forgot to mention: when Caleb was screaming for Norman at the house, it strongly reminded me of the way Norma does it. I have no doubt it was intentional, but that's another nice touch. Kenny Johnson did a really good job making it believable that he was Dylan's father,