
You mean Big Foot and his tg gf.

Why don’t you get active with your child? Instead of staring at her and thinking that she needs to lose weight. Take her out with you running or cycling or enroll her in swimming classes. Do something that will encourage the healthy lifestyle you wish for her.

I wish my parents told me I was beautiful when I was younger. They never did. And I felt ugly for the longest while. Even now it takes me aback when I get compliments or when a guy checks me out. There is a side that can’t deal with it. And there is the other side that longs to be complimented often and when I am

Did this man just include a boast about his wife’s stupid Kimoji app? C’mon Ye, you have completely lost touch with reality.

Who are these poorly behaved savages, exactly? I am confused. Because people who end up protesting are people who have been long disadvantaged and they are fed up of the system constantly working against them. Yes. Some of amongst them take to an extreme.

But if you (who obviously thinks of yourself as civilised by

These farcical juries must really like starting riots. Baltimore brace yourselves.

American Idol produced at least 2 extremely successful artists, with lasting careers. Voice is still to produce one after so many seasons.

Why have the show, if these people’s careers are ultimately not going to go anywhere?

The answer is that he’s a tool.

2 years. That’s nothing. I have been an off and on commentor (with this account) since 2012. And I am still in the greys.

Both of them are mixed. They could be Louisiana Creole.

Black hair and hairstyles have long been seen as problematic. And I think that’s part of the issue hair.

That’s a good point. If she was just hanging around. Doing nothing, not having sex with the Johns or helping in any substantial way. Z would have put her to work against her will.

I don’t support Zola’s role in Jess’s exploitation. But there was some self-preservation (realizing that she could be also be abused) in

I needed this life hack article. I have only mastered the art of holding it in all day. Of course, I am sure that’s not doing my body good and my intestines are always rumbling as a result.

Yeah. And I think that line applies to Glenn, too. Some irony and foreshadowing. He’s alive. He’s might have been screaming but that was Nicholas’s guts and blood all over him.

I am holding out a little bit of hope that he’s alive. If Glenn’s body did fall on him and was the one ripped open. There is a possibility that Glen might have been able to survive, if he got enough blood on him. Then the walkers wouldn’t be able smell him anymore.

Just like in Season 1 when Rick and Glenn went back

Easier said, than actually be done. Because, she’s certainly benefiting from all of these pranks. They all are. In that balcony video, did y’all see the big mansion that they live in? Youtube is making quite a few people rich.

As a bear expert, I can tell you that - Yes. We don’t respond to being called Bear. Who the hell is ‘Bear’? I personally know that girl and her name is ‘Devon’. She’s fun.

I don’t really follow sports or Fantasy Football. But I have come to know about this guy via The Howard Stern Show. He is so boring and such a whiner. And he has been pimping himself out for Draft Kings for weeks. It’s irritating.

I lost a lot of weight. And my boobs are so wrinkly and deflated. Seriously, thinking of getting a lift. But I am black and the scaring from that type of surgery can be especially bad for black females.

The guy in the second photo. Was he the one who was arrested for stealing sunglasses? Forgive my ignorance. I don’t watch the show. I just clicked the article because I saw enviable boobs.