
Zac actually looks kinda attractive here. Looks wise, he didn’t necessarily float my boat. But it was evident that they were sprung for each other.  

Tell that to all the black kids adopted or raised by white parents in white communities. They don’t have the luxury to appropriate white identity as their own and assume all of the privileges of whiteness. Their stories are quite different. Far more tortured. 

Every few years, Pat Robertson predicts that the end of the world will happen on a specific date or during a specific year. Of course, none of his predictions have come through. But people still keep sending him money and asking for his advice & direction. Loyal dummies don’t need evidence or proof to stay loyal. They

This is exactly why I got out of competitive swimming. Feeling disapproval from adults when they saw me in my swimsuit. Feeling self conscious about my body.
I actually stopped swimming and haven’t done much in over 20 years. Now I have to go take swim classes because I have completely forgotten basic techniques. It’s

He does realise that his job will eventually be replaced by robots. He, the executive board and the management team are the weakest parts the totem pole

While I agree with you that Nola’s pansexuality is highly questionable and thusly infuriating. As someone who is pansexual, I don’t want our sexual identity to be so readily dismissed. Sexuality has so many grey areas. It’s so much more complicated than just being into the other sex or same sex or both sexes.


Her flow isn’t bad. The Roots sound great. Jimmy Fallon, as always is a cornball.

Ugh....I can’t even form words, now. That’s a gut punch. She would have been kicked out of the location, wedding, celebrations and my life.

I hope your brother doesn’t have to deal with her much. And she better not bring that bigot bs around his future kids.

Wait a second. Are my eyes deceiving me or does this dude also clearly have African ancestry? So the African American racist rant is ridiculous. I guess he might be Dominican. Many don’t like to acknowledge the Afro in their Afro Latino mix.

Save me, the “it’s a joke” “ it’s sarcasm” defensive argument and excuses.

This is an admission by a police officer of a department’s modus operandi. It’s time for some legal body to take that department to court on behalf of all citizens. Because an internal review of this one officer is not enough and doesn’t address the larger problem - that the police are an existential threat to black

I wan’t Meghan to be a royal, but still maintain for her acting career. Not just be assigned ceremonial tasks and be turned into a Holly Homemaker type. I am sure she will maintain her UN Ambassador role and they will try to carve out more things in that vain. But I am sure she has a passion for acting.

It’s interesting that the Der Spiegel cover art was created and published to ridicule Trump. But, these KKK simpletons have used it as a point of pride and to menace others. In their minds, they most likely never got the original intent of the art and have turned lemons into hate lemonade.

Yes. They definitely needed a better conceived, choreographed and executed sex scene. But what was missing was more than just being able to show her nude.

There was no build up. No passionate kissing, no embraces, disrobing, exploration. They just went from him stepping into her room, to what looked like two hot dogs

Serious question: If Viserion is rotting and now has holes in his wings, won’t that affect his ability to fly? Seriously, how long can he last before he falls apart? Gale force winds increase wear and tear.

Obsevation: Rhaegar was very underwhelming & average looking and they could have hooked him up with a different

Charlottesville police haven’t really be doing anything. In the Deandre Harris beating, all of the men who beat him have been identified by the public. And the Charlottesville police haven’t even acknowledged that they have opened a case file or are in the process of investigating the matter. No warrants. No charges.

The Night King wasn’t going to pull a Jaimie move. Better to try to kill a dragon that is further away. Than to try to kill one that is nearby and will roast you if you miss.

I can take you seriously when you say this season was disappointing. Let some take over the GOT review beat, then.

Why are the cops helping him? Who is this Stephen Keeney, that is providing him guidance? More proof of the KKK within the police & those who are sympathetic to these White nationalist fucks.

Julianne, I wish someone would you lead you by the hand over to The Root or VBS’ section of the office to sit with them. Hopefully, someone there can explain to you why this post is so cringe worthy. The wanton and frankly irresponsible use of Zaddy and Slay, has me shaking my head.