So she's laughing all throughout the killing. Umm, that some bad foreshadowing for their union.
So she's laughing all throughout the killing. Umm, that some bad foreshadowing for their union.
Working in the creative field, you realise that having a certain position isn't the most important thing. The environment and the culture often trump where you sit within the heirarchy. If you are working in a place where you aren't given the due respect; where your opinions and ideas are constantly sidelined at a…
As much as people shit all over Colin Farell's version if Total recall. The only way flying cars are going to work if they follow magnetized road ways (Magnetic levitation). These other concepts never address how the flow of this type of traffic will be controlled.
Can we also be mad at Huffington Post Canada for placing this on their front page with this absolutely tasteless title.
Instead of harassing men over their Arizona Ice Teas, I sincerely hope that cops do some actual police work and find this nut job. Get that due off the street, permanently.
Been watching season three...And girlfriend, I don't want to spill the tea. But this season is already 'goodness gracious good'. They aren't slowing down at all.
While, I love the show, I am certainly not clamouring for one of those early 20th century post Victorian dowdy frocks.
Seriously, that's miraculous medicine right there. How is Kevin Ware even up and walking right now? I would think he would have been in a bed for at least a month, followed by months of physio.
I know! Within a network of sites like this, visibility and cross promotion are really important to subtly push and pull the audience to different content. I guess their UX team forgot about that. Now, the user has has to make a conscious effort to remember to make the jump.
What's the + for? And when it becomes a tick, what does that mean?
That's not peaches with the penis on her forehead. She's the one in the background on playing in the keyboard wearing the cloak of boobs. I have been to a few Peaches concerts. And yes that boob cloak is to die for.
This girl may be (pardon the pun) kinda cunty. But she definitely has some skill. Once she has finished her degree, she would be a good addition to some's show's writing team or the Onion's staff.
Maybe we can start by making all of these Muslims wear something that identifies them. A t-shirt or even better a button or pin with the crescent moon & the star. It would be a fashion statement.
Nothing is original.
Sorry to break up this party. But I have two questions.
Uhh, his music will one day be this generation's biggest regret.
YES!!! Will somebody start a motherfucking slow clap please...
Free will for everyone!! It's my life and I will do with it as I will. Until you become sick and rest of us have to take care of you.
But to drive directly towards his brother. If his brother was supposed to be a diversion, why didn't he get in the car and head the other way. The autopsy report is still supposed to come out, but I honestly don't doubt the being rolled over and dragged part of the story.
He was a hidden gem.