
Ah back in Xena days, I thought that he was yummier than chocolate cake. Wish it didn't take as long as it did for him to find mainstream success.

I know these sites aren't full 'stream whatever you want' sites. Instead they are a hub for user generated playlists. But I would also recommend

Ok. i have to preface - yes. Innocent until proven guilty/rule of Law/let justice be served... uh huh..

Another small thing that you missed was the guy in the photo taken at 2:49, is wearing a cowboy hat of a lighter shade and he is black.

A while back I was contemplating trying out online dating. Though about for a while. Then, I read a study by OKC on the stats around the general disterest that men of other races had in black women. Afterwards, I sat back in my chair and started crying. Needless to say, I never created a profile.

Fuck this grossness...I am packing up and taking the next flight to Mars.

Poor little thing was gearing up for a foot jump, but couldn't even manage to clear more than 2 inches. Needs to go to cat training boot camp.

Totally! You got it.

While I personally have had really deep and hard crushes on some Asian men over the course of my 30 years. This statement that I am about to make is bound to stir up some controversy if anyone sees it in this fucked up Kinja bury deep comment system.

Don't worry the ****ing is on its way.

Based on your screen name you are a psycho killer (on screen and in reality) who likes to wear daisy dukes while dancing around trans-ams.

Ok. Back up. 'women feel entitled to demand seal-like men' When and where have women either felt entitled or demanded hair less seal like men? So in your mind, one ad means that we women are now oppressing men with our entitled ways and our demands.

I would love to live a minute in your fantasy world.

After decades of men, stating exactly what ideal they want a woman to conform to. Here is an ad that shares the other side of the coin. But on Jezebel, it's filed under BadAdvertising. And the male author is whining about what an affront it is that women would want seal like men. Especially, when we live in societies

What about men who want hairless women?

I love a hairless guy. Not into a guy who has taco meat or a mane on his chest. And I really don't get why hairy is synonymous with masculine.

I would say, don't alow yourself to be biased by people's reviews. Because there are alot of Sex and the City diehards. If you have time give it a chance. The show has a 'my so called life' feel to it, where Carrie is finding her identity on the road to becoming the other Carrie and the characters are definitey

Have to say, I absolutely love Carrie Diaries and think the new girl playing Carrie is absolutely adorable and spot on. Don't understand haterade that Jezebel is throwing (especially in that last shitty review article) and why people can't appreciate the two shows for what they are.

Free will.

You know what, I have to admit that I did the catfish thing once. Stole photos, created an alter-ego, started seriously talking to a guy. I, ultimately confessed (after so much guilt and a friend convinced me to do so), that I wasn't that person.