
Not only that, they each have days if not weeks to prepare, with their full staff, five minutes of material. Conversely, he’s expected to respond on the spot for several hours across a wide variety of topics that may only be tangentially related to his company, and if he doesn’t know the answers or gives a bad response

I’ve seen a whole bunch of folks sharing AOC’s questions of him on social media claiming that she’s really sticking it to him, but it’s always nonsense like what you’re describing. One person I know was pointing out how ridiculous it was that he didn’t know the exact date that in interaction happened when AOC asked

Wait a sec, I’m a little unfamiliar with who the woman in pink is, but she seems like a buffoon. She asks him a seriously dumb question, he starts to answer saying his time would be better spent doing something else other than being a content monitor (that’s true, he’s vastly overqualified, and literally no CEO in the

They got to “humiliate” him, and he gets to be worth $69 billion dollars.

If they had Ashanti lay down a phrase as a place holder in order to get the rest of the composition in place until J. Lo was able to lay her vocals down, it makes sense.

Amazing how raping an underage girl wasn’t enough to ruin him, but helping to put away his fellow criminals, there’s the line he crossed

Exactly, to be fair, noone would ask a famous white actor what its like to be a famous white actor:

Thank yooouuu...I’d love for people to think of me as a role model for Asian American women. Like, why would someone want such a public career and not want people to admire you for what you bring to the table, and forging a path for others? I’d give the same side-eye to any white guy who says, “I just want to be known

That’s the thing, though. What company’s known not to be shitty?

No one asks Tombo because the answer is “easy.” It’s a relevant question for every group that is underrepresented in Hollywood. It also gets asked of every gay actor, and every actress “of a certain age” that is not Meryl, etc. Asking the questions brings attention to the continued lack of diversity in Hollywood, in

We should all be allowed to want more from our careers and feel frustrated that we’re being held back.

I’m fine with Wu not wanting to do the show, but her comment was shitty and she looked ungrateful.

Yes, how dare the producers of the “shitty sitcom” which put Wu’s name on the map continue to thrive and employ a whole slate of people at every level of production. After all it’s only Wu’s livelihood that matters, right? Your post misses many marks.

I’m curious why this one moment seems to be sticking to Wu so hard.

I think that is what gets me. Rape scenes, I believe, are often not as brutal as they should be. We shouldn’t be tamping them down because that just helps contribute to the idea that rape isn’t really a big deal - something society seems to believe as we see again and again. And if a woman with minimal power was being

Im not sure I agree or disagree with you but on one side we have a white president born into wealth and advantages called “Trump” who is probably the most despised Republican in history by Democrats. He has an ex-lawyer who recites his racist speeches and he seems to love relishing in ridiculing poor immigrants. On

Cut me and I bleed Navy but in what world would this dress be considered work wear? I’m sorry, what, a BOARD ROOM?! I would LITERALLY rather wear a trashbag (belted and w nice flats of course) ~ a woman who likes being taken seriously at work.

I don’t think there’s been a steady change, I think it’s been consistent as part of her character. What’s changed is her level of power and the advisors that she’s had around her. I also agree there could have been some more work done on this front, but there’s been plenty of predictions that this would happen going

My wife has a good friend who named one of her dogs Khaleesi and the poor woman cried for two hours after last episode. People, for some reason I don’t understand, had a lot riding on Danaeris being a good person even though she’s never really demonstrated that she is.

Every action she took in Essos was taken with the