
I’ve been saying this every chance I get, but I’ll say it again. I’m thinking either Euron or the Mountain kills Jaime, then Arya takes his face and shanks Cersei, ripping it off to reveal herself and watch Cersei die in bewilderment.

Right!? If you want to come for There’s Something About Mary there are some concrete issues with stalking, homophobia, expectations to be the “cool girl” and the word retard played for laughs... but the elements of gross out humor do not particularly seem to be biased or degrading to any particular gender. As I

Counterpoint: There’s Something About Mary was hilarious.

quote: “There’s Something About Mary, a movie whose most famous laugh line revolves around a woman unknowingly smearing cum in her hair, which was played as hilarious rather than the creepy violation that it would be in reality” 
Oh my goodness.
Did your pearls crack as you typed those words? The horror of dirty comedy,

I want to believe that this kind of thing will stop happening but I’m a frayed knot.

I remember the first time I believed Donald Trump could become the next president of the United States. It was the day Sanders claimed Hillary wasn’t qualified to be president. It epitomized the entire campaigns of the two candidates. For the entire race Clinton treated Bernie with kid gloves so as not to offend him

Nailed. It.

He literally described himself as an Independent in that press release the other week saying that he was going to give a response to the SOTU in addition to the Democratic response.

We have a local conservative talk radio station in Birmingham and they are eating this story up.  Dude fucked up big time and is making real racially motivated crimes look like a joke.  

Most of the furs sold in LA County* are probably sold in the city of Beverly Hills. Beverly Hills borders LA on three sides and is adjacent to West Hollywood on the fourth, and BH still has several stand-alone fur shops as well as Saks, Neiman-Marcus and Barneys.

I’d say that the older skaters are still generally more skilled than the young girls who are doing quads. There is more to skating than the jumps and spins even if those elements are the most spectacular and most easily understood by a general audience.

You talk a lot about the physical aspects of age, but neglect anything about mental developmental.

In my experience, Cuban Americans(especially the older ones) tend to buy 100% in to the bootstrap bs, and think any sort of safety net is akin to Castro style communism, meanwhile they were given special treatment immigration wise, and have no problem using those safety net benefits as long as it comes to themselves. 

And it worked!

Yeah, there is a large conservative Cuban population in Florida. They are more afraid of a potential future communist takeover than they are of the current racist-in-chief.

Florida Cubans. Florida White Cubans. Or, rather, Florida white adjacent Cubans.

Oh shit, I just learned about Florida Man earlier today! That’s some good readin.

The thing is, Republicans respect The Grift. AOC thinks a person should be able to do honest work and get a livable wage. Republicans think that’s for suckers. The grift Owens pulled isnt fiscally irresponsible”, it’s “smart”. Remember

Any campaign song for Beto would be a punk song.