Saturday Night Palsy

I really don't see why the McLaran P3 has to be black

Goddamn neighbor kids!

Erica, you need to relax. You've had a stroke. Take your hand off of the keyboard and find your phone. Dial 9-1-1, They are used to bold font because they are trained for emergencies. It's okay if you don't have medical insurance. Your roommate Lori makes so much money that you won't have to worry. Luckily she

McLaren P2? The F1 is a fucking classic!

Maybe he got the top half. That would kind of balance out MJ screwing him over on the Beatles' song rights.

The guy from the asskicking contest?

Now I'm thinking about ping-pong and The Natural.

Wait, isn't it his wife that has the wooden leg?

Well, fanfic lives on.

I like this movie, but only because I saw it about 50 times more than 30 years ago. Much like Partners starring John Hurt and Ryan O'Neal.

Let's not leave out the physical abuse!


So few mass market paperbacks now. It's a fucking shame that it's rare to get a book for less than $15 now.

I hope she at least tries her best to do that!

Roast them with some sort of spice. Like Aleppo pepper. Evens out that sweetness.


She was probably ashamed of her small frontal lobe.

Did they do that? I don't watch the show.

That is an amazing idea! Has any reality show "odd couple" done that before?

Eggsactly what I was thinking! He smirked when he said it, too. He knew what we would think.