
They offer HDMI outputs on other devices, it would be cool to play the handheld game console on a big screen if I have one available.. Thought it would be cool if I didn't always have to play a game on a 960 x 544 OLED.

I love news reel shorts.. I miss those, campy voice overs and hard 'cut to's'..

Does this have a HDMI mini output.. It would be awesome to take a game I play on the road and be able to play it on a 45" TV in the hotel.

Yeah yeah yeah... its 2012.. faster computing, bigger storage, faster data sifting, But the real question is: Where's my flying car!!??

The micro pumps you are talking about are just that 'pumps'.. This can diagnose (detect) and administer.

And the perks of a good date night...(wink wink, nudge nudge.. say no more, say no more, aah ahh.. :P )

$7 for that many calories... Sounds like a 'fat' deal to me..

Its a baby Ruth bar? (I think Carl Spackler will need to scrub this bottle out)

Love it.. and here I read papers on Salt and Hashing data and passwords, when I could have gained the same insight by reading a comic.... :D

I learned a new word today..

I have recently begun making passwords out of stories. Stories that I easily remember by thinking of them as a picture.. They are easy to make up, and easy to remember, but long enough that guessing them is very hard..

Very sleek and smooth.. But I would prefer something that is ostentatious and gaudy.. :D

Thanks for the blog link.. Haven't seen that sight before, but I will enjoy perusing it.

Imagine a world in which US wars are waged with very little to no American casualties.. American casualties are usually the biggest deterrent to going to war or continuing a war. So one might hypothesize the US will be more likely to be involved in more wars more often with UAVs because of the lack of American

I wonder if there is any geotags on those photos and if he can use that to find his iPad. I guess being it is wifi based, it wouldn't be very accurate.

I would put more into the massive amounts of chemicals we have surround ourselves with; then the small amount of radioactivity from nuclear plants.. Look at your shampoo, soaps, cleaning solutions, water supply, VOC (cars, planes, furniture), plastics (containers, packaging) preservatives, drugs (legal and

We are all commenting for enjoyment here.. Unless you are getting paid to, or doing it for the greater good.. "the greater good"

Yeah.. all cops will just have to tail cars now... (sigh) I meant for warrant-less tracking. If the judge doesn't give permission or the detective doesn't have enough evidence for the warrant of a bug. The detective would have to tail that person.. . ahh... It doesn't matter.. your right Steve..

Saudi Arabia is probably secretly hoping for it.. It will make the price go up per barrel.

I guess the cops will have to go back to the old day of tailing the bad guys