
My first thought is consumables (fuel). A train uses a simpler fuel compared to Jet Fuel. Also a Train probably takes way less fuel to move the same amount of weight (being able to thrust off the Ground instead of Air like a plane) . So ROI based off fuel, on the long timeline, it probably works out better.

rock-banging antler-gnawers.... loved it.LOL.. Though it sometimes it seem some people are rock-banging antler-gnawers that can type on a computer.

Yes it could, which when the sting is over and Sam Biddle has been questioned for is roll in becoming a dictator, he will have another story to tell.

The point i got was to call to attention about a 'interesting" online gun running business that uses the new technology of the internet and online encryption security to sell guns anywhere in the world. I knew that connections were made online to sell guns, but not as anonymously as stated in this story. I thought

I do think it is the the responsibility of the journalist to get his/her facts and details straight when writing a story, but writing a story doesn't require knowing 'all' details of the subject matter. Sam is a journalist, and journalist make mistakes in the details all the time while reporting; the newpapers have

Some of the articles on this site have become tweet like.. about as in depth and relevant as 140 characters can get.. (cough this one cough)

Just make it a tri-corder and call it a day.. This is freaking great..

She knows how to make money now.. Find a failing hot star, swoon him, marry him, sell the rights to the photos and stuff, divorce him.. Ca-ching

This hurts my brain.. But then again she believes in Mormonism and the gold plates and all that.. So there's expected to be a little crazy in that head of hers..

Great.. I'll use a blue tooth to talk on the phone, got no problem with that.. As long as it can still fit into the back pocket of my jeans, bigger is better (thats what she said)

Must have been hooked up to a women.. With the reported amount of time men think about sex each day, I'm surprised the robot didn't make a thrusting motion at least once during the tests.

I read that on the front of my wishbone salad dressing bottle and thought "ether this makes scientific sense (like how long term vegans smell funny) or they are putting some loophole BS on the bottles to capture another sliver of nutritionist salad eaters market share." Then I remembered "Ahhh.. doesn't matter to me,

They want to sell their Security network to someone.. Why else would they be looking at high-level business execs for answers.. RIM has a great enterprise level security for 'smart phones' and mobile data, that's their nest egg..

That cone and caution tape deters even the greatest of thieves. That is why I put it across all of my windows, doors and around my wall safe. I hear Fort Knox and Langley has implemented the caution tape security as well..

AR for all those non-single guys out there having the same thing month in and month out..

Agreed.. to much clicking to read all the comments.. I miss the one click and scroll..

It seems Google is creating cool and innovative products, but there is no path that leads to implementation into our lives, besides, we just need to buy them and change our lives to begin to use them.. They need to focus on the implementation into our lives, then scale it up to be almost a necessity. (like

Facebook privacy setting are as about as easy to set up as this new comment feed is to read.. Is it ok to laugh at this new layout (because I haven't spent the 15mins to figure it out)?

NASA would be interested in this.. well they would have been interested in this..

Seems sterile in appearance from the outside, White, Square, with pox. not very appealing to me. Beside the poxs it is a really boring design.. Could have painted the poxs on a square white building.. _cough_ Future Target .. I'm glad i won't have to see it on my drive or from my house.