
This is going to suck.. Does not seem like top level domain names to me..

When I left VZW, Sprint was offering a Early Terminate Incentive.. They offers $170 toward my 2nd monthly bill if I left VZW and went with them.. The amount that I had to pay for early termination with Verizon was $100. It took two months for the whole thing to settle out, but I got to get out from under Verizon.

You know my brick house can repel rocks, swords, and flaming arrows.(storm shutters closed)

Mad Libs + Troll comments = my thoughts:

I can not curb my paranoia, So it fails in my paranoid mind.. I would destroy the desk in my fire-pit after I bump it and my laptop slides off and crashes into the floor..

reminds me a vertical windmill laid horizontal in the water..

I wonder how much the grant was for to study this?

I think the really tech of the F-22 is beneath the skin.. Probably the flight software, computer(s), long range targeting systems, Weapons payload, sensors, and engines.. What you see is far from what you get..

You know you rat out the Maffia/Gangs/ Mob and they don't issue threats, they just do you in

Way to go marvel, I take back half of the bad stuff i said about Marvel while playing City of Heroes.

Wow.. That is just what we need in this nation.. just what Senators should be concerned about.. THE BIG PICTURE. (sarcasm)

Just give me the money that would have been spent on the award.. I will go out and buy my own award..

Oops.. I thought I pushed the button to turn my computer on..

The internet is 30% hate 19% good stuff, 45% naked girls (you are never going to sleep with), 5% naked guys (that are probably gay) and 1% friends and family. Also it is full of anonymous assholes bashing, trolling and posting snarky comments.

I went to Sprint last year when Verizon offered that Grandfather Clause.. I knew it was a matter of time before they reneged on it..

10%... That seems a very small percent to say coffee drinkers live longer. Also they subtracted smokers(which is more common with coffee drinkers) and deaths from cancer from the study.

Ahhhh.. the cloud.. Thank you, now we (the gov't) don't have to serve a warrant to a person, we can just ask the data center to release the data we request about you. (you don't own that data)

It means thinking like that is moronic and has no base in reality, and I wonder how are we, as a world, going to move forward when we have idiot thinking like that that holds us down. (its about as deep as jihad logic) The short answer, wait till they die and hope their kids aren't a shortsighted. (or if they

So infinitely small is greater then infinitely big..

As a kid the gov't adopted me and put me into a junior assassination program.. When I graduated, I was a stone cold killer.. Come to find out, I really only had to go thru a few years of hazing and tormenting in public middle school and I would have developed the same emotional response..